Chapter 3

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I watched carefully as Tej and Ramsey worked their tech shit or whatever. They were in the process of narrowing down tags since gods eye had a major over load of flea traced tags.

"Alright they're not in China." Tej announced. "Or Russia."

"Europe is clear..." Ramsey said, her eyes slightly narrowed. "But this ones not going away..."

Mr.nobody immediately stood up straight and pointed one finger at the screen. "This is interesting." He said while walking down closer to the screen. "Why?" His assistant asked quickly.

"-because that's here..."

Just as he said that there was a sound of an explosion and the glass beside me shattered. Instead of the glass hitting me Luke had pulled me aside and shielded me from the glass. "Thanks." I said quickly and he nodded, stumbling off to the side as there was a bigger explosion, sending all the tech to hay wire.

A small disk spiraled it's way into the room and started to shoot out objects that looked like grenades. As one flew my way I turned and kicked it away but it exploded, sending me into a wall. I cried out in pain as I came in contact with the wall then fell to the ground.

Before I knew it a girl with long blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail walk into the room with a guy trailing he behind her. My vision was blurry and I could see blood running down my side from a gash that trailed across my abdomen. Probably from glass.

"You all enjoy that?" She asked. Her voice was louder than it should have been and an awful ring filled my ears, making my grab my head as I painted in pain and confusion.

"Next generation concussion grenade." The lady said and I immediately knew who it was. Cipher. "Oh don't worry it'll wear off in a few hours. Probably." She said with a light laugh. I rolled and coughed, curling into a ball as I let out a groan. My head hurts so badly...

"Hello Deckard." She said slowly. "It's good to see you again."

I could hear his soft pants of confusion and pain but my eye sight was still quite blurry, along with the ringing in my ears remaining there.

Cipher laughed. "Look at this Dom. His bodies not even cold, your family's speedy replacing you." She said in a sickly sweet tone.

At the mention of his name I slowly uncurled myself and whispered his name. "D-Dom?"

"You chose the losing team." Cipher said quietly. "I guess your brother is smarter than you."

"Oh hey look it's your sister." I opened my eyes and looked up to see a blurry vision of Cipher standing over me. "-And she has a nasty little gash too. Wonderful." She said and put her foot on my stomach. I seethed in pain and squeezed my eyes shut. A single betraying tear managed to make its way down my cheek and I opened my eyes, squinting up at her although my vision was still blurry, the few tears not helping.

Dom pulled up his pistol and shot out the glass panels, making my ears ring even worse. I held my head and curled into a ball. Cipher walked away from me and towards where the computer thing is. Beeps and digital sounds followed as the clicking of her shoes halted.

"Smart move embedding gods eye into the main frame." Cipher said while I heard something slide. "You made me have to come all the way down here to get it." She said and walked by to Dom. "Let's go."

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