Chapter 19

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[ Deck's Point of View ]

I shift to drive and pull onto the road, keeping steady pace with traffic. The radio's have been eerily quiet and won't work properly without static. I haven't heard from Hobbs or Toretto. My phone starts to buzz from the pocket of my pants and i dig it out to see who is calling. Hobbs.

I sigh and answer, holding the phone to my ear. "What?"

He coughs from the other end and his voice cracks as he speaks, sounding oddly strained. "I need you to tag Rose's location and get to her, now," He demands.

I watch traffic for an opening before swerving around and punching the gas. "Is she okay?" My gut twists and my knee begins to bounce at the thought that she could be hurt. She's the toughest woman i know, she should be fine.

"Cypher's got men after her,"

I chew at my cheek and sigh, pushing further down on the gas pedal and turning onto a side street with less traffic. "Got it, i'm on my way," i hang up and toss my phone into the passengers seat.

I mess with the device Nobody gave us and tag Rose's location, seeing it's at a stand still in the middle of an intersection about a mile away. That can't be a good thing.

The drive goes fairly fast and i'm coming up on the intersection before i know it. I can see the red and blue of cop cars and traffic is at a stand still. A semi truck blocks my view of the intersection and I let out a heavy sigh of frustration, opening my door getting out of the car.

I snatch my phone and slam the door, weaving between cars and to the sidewalk, breaking into a jog towards. I bet she's fine: sitting on top of one of Cypher's men like some kind of trophy. My gut tells me otherwise but i don't wanna believe it.

I round the corner and skid to a halt, my heart leaping into my throat and mu gut twisting vigorously.

In the center of the intersection is Rose's car, being hauled onto the flatbed of a tow truck. Its utterly destroyed: windows shattered and an enormous dent in one side of the car that it practically bent around.

I scan the cops and don't see sign of Rose standing among them.

There's no other car and i don't see any straying parts belonging to any other than Rose's. The indent on the side of her car is perfectly shaped like a bumper. This wasn't an accident.

I turn and jog back towards my car, pulling out my phone and calling Hobbs back. As soon as he picks up, i don't give him time to talk. "We have a problem,"

[ Rose's Point of View ]

When i open my eyes, a dim light is shining above and i squint against it, casting my gaze to the dusty floor. My body aches and i feel like i've been slugged at least a dozen times. I start to get to my feet, but my stomach lurches and i keel over, vomiting whatever's left of dinner.

I shuffle away from the pile of vomit and sink back to my knees, holding my hands to my stomach. My stomach and back hurt, severely, and i feel sticky. Im sweaty and i don't know if i smell or if its the room, but i can smell iron. Iron.

Panic floods my senses and i shove myself back to my feet, looking down at my pants. Besides small smears and stains of blood across the top of my thighs, I'm fine. We're fine. For now.

I do a slow circle and scan the room, studying the heavy metal walls and frame of the door. Its well made, and seems made for something much larger and stronger than a person like me. It looks made for something other than just people.

The door swings open and a tall, thin shadow casts across the floor and to my feet. I don't have to see her face to know it's Cypher as she steps into the room and stares down at me.

"Hello, Rose," she greets coldly, the heels of her boots clack against the cement floor and she stops a few feet in front of me. "It's almost funny how history repeats itself in some ways,"

Despite the scream and ache of my muscles, I try to stand steadily and hold her gaze. My stomach is churning with nerves and anxiety but i do my best to push it down. "I guess so, so i don't know why you expect to win this time," On a whim, i spit at her boots and grin at the spitball that slides down the toe of her boot, before meeting her gaze again. "Bitch,"

She lets out a deep sigh and looks down at her boot, before back up to my face. "You are very lucky I need you alive to get what i want,"

I nod and step back to the wall, sliding down into a sitting position without taking my eyes off of Cypher. "If you want to look at it that way, then sure," I shrug and lean my head back, "Me being here only means they'll be more motivated to stop you,"

"Thats right, you're married to Shaw now," she says calmly.

I hate how calm she is. If it weren't for this kid i'd be trying her patience. But I've already risked too much for me and the baby.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. What a bitch. "I'm not discussing my love life with you, of all people."

"You get a small meal daily, don't expect much," She gives a slow nod and turns, walking back to the door and stepping outside, pulling the heavy metal door closed with her.

I sigh and stretch my legs out, rolling my shoulders before sliding my hands into the pocket of my hoodie. Deckard's hoodie.

I grab the chest area of the hoodie and pull it up to my nose, closing my eyes as i breathe in the scent. I hate that i got Deck's jacket dirty and bloody. I'll have to scrub it when i get home. If I get home.

Guilt motivation has struck again so here's another chapter. I told y'all I'm trying, and i really am. I'll try to get in another by the end of the week if i can.

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