16. Bold And Burning

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I'm in critical condition.

Can't you smell the fire?

It's burning behind my eyes,

Still burning inside and out

I tried so hard to put out the fire,

Tried to stop my suffering,

Can't you hear it's mocking crackle?

My thoughts like tinder,

Feeding the flames,

Each breath stoking it.

See, it doesn't matter what I do,

This is the fire that keeps on burning.

The ash pours out my ears,

My eyes,

My mouth,

I choke on the dust,

I can't even cry as I inhale my own destruction,

And if I could it wouldn't matter,

For there's no one who could help,

No one who could stop the ash from settling in my lungs.

I tried so hard to fight fire with fire,

Now I'm in critical condition.

They've put me in the burn unit,

I'm a rare case,

A miracle,

Just barely surviving,

How am I alive?

They can't answer that,

But I think I know why.

Fighting fire with fire only spreads the flames,

And I need mine to be extinguished.

Next time I'll use water.

I'll drown the fire with water.

It's the only way to kill the flames in me.

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