Final Chapter: I Love You

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Noire's P.O.V

W-What happened? Right after Y/N used Transcendent Slash, he fainted. I ran at his unconscious body with tears forming in my eyes. Mebius can still stand even after his most powerful move. The CPU Core in his gauntlet was shining. When I picked Y/N up, he was still breathing and his heart kept on beating. But his eyes were soulless. Mebius did a weak but maniac laugh.

Mebius: Ehehe... Ahahahaha! I win!

Noire: What did you do?!

Mebius: I told you I'll take your precious away from you. Look at you! You're in despair.

Noire: What happened to Y/N?!

Mebius: Since you REALLY want to know, I'll tell you... I used one of my skills Nightmare Manifestation. A skill where I put a person to sleep and let them dream their worst fear! And when the dream is close to ending, the unfortunate person will want to suicide. But the best part is, I get to take over his or her body!

I looked at him wide eyed. He was planning to lure Y/N here and use his body to take over Gamindustri?!

Mebius: I thought of using it on one of you goddesses but when I saw this boy... I just had to!

Noire: You piece of shit!

Uni(HDD): But you're wide open!

Mebius: If you kill me now, my link with the host will break and kill him.

Uni(HDD): That's cheap!

So all we can do now is wait for Mebius to take over Y/N's body... No! I won't let that happen!

Noire: Please Y/N wake up! Wake up!

Mebius: It's futile...

Y/N's P.O.V

I killed them all... I killed them all... I killed them all... I killed them all...

That was the only thing in my mind. I was surrounded by bodies of my once friends. I failed... I promised I wouldn't but... I broke the promise... again...

Voice: Then let the deaths embrace you, my friend...

I've been hearing those words a lot. I ignored it until now.

Voice: I know a way on how to meet Noire...

Y/N: You do..?

Voice: The only way is to die. Once you died, you can meet her in the afterlife. Ask her for forgiveness. And continue living there. In Paradise.

That's right. If she died then her soul must be in the afterlife. And from there, I can start all over again.

Y/N: Die... huh? It's funny because all I've ever wanted was to keep on living. But death had always been the better option, no..?


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