Chapter 2: Treasure

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Y/N: So this is Lastation huh.

You looked around the tall buildings in amazement. It reminded you of Tokyo. Some buildings reached the sky and there was an area made for shopping. You turned to Noire who has her chest sticking out. It was pretty obvious she was proud of her nation I mean who wouldn't?

Noire: I'll let you look around after we reach the basilicom.

Y/N: Basilicom?

Noire: (sigh) You really need to start studying about our world.

All you did was laughed a bit before walking your way to the basilicom with Noire leading the way. You took this opportunity to enjoy the sights of Lastation though during this whole thing, you and Noire didn't talk with each other. Mainly because of you enjoying the view and Noire that seems to be lost in thought.

You decided to change the atmosphere but before you could, you had already arrived at a giant building in front of you.

Noire: This is Lastation's basilicom. Basilicom's are places where we goddesses resides.

You just nod in understanding. Not long after that, a girl that looks like the splitting image of Noire except for a few proportions, appeared. She had jet-black hair that has been done the same way like Noire except shorter. She had an exotic looking dress which was black in colour with white linings. She was shorter than Noire thus making her shorter than you. She also seemed to lack in the "chest" area but talking about that is probably off-limits.

???: Welcome back, Onee-Chan.

Just hearing the last word suprised you. Who would've guessed that Noire had a little sister?

Noire: I'm back. Oh, by the way Uni, I found an idiot on my way home.

Uni: An idiot?

Those words stabbed you like knives. You decided to just let it slide as you knew what were to happen if you did the same thing again. The girl named Uni looked behind her cold sister to see your face.

Y/N: Hey. The name's Y/N L/N. But do call me Y/N.

Uni: Uni. Nice too meet you Y/N.

Uni and you shook hands as a sign of friendship. You could tell that Uni was way more friendly than her sister.

Uni: Onee-Chan, may I know the relic for the quest?

Noire: Relic?

Uni: Wait don't tell me you...

A moment of realisation before Noire freaks out. Noire scratched her head vigorously in frustration ruining her hair. After she calmed down, Noire took a deep breath, fixed her hair and spoke to Uni.

Noire: Wait here Uni, I'll be right back.

She transformed into her other form and was about to take off. But you stopped her before she could.

Y/N: Wait, could you bring me too?

Black: Why should I?

Y/N: Who knows what might happen to you if you were to go alone.

Black: Look, there's 2 reason why I don't want to bring you. Number 1, you're going to be just a nuisance. Number 2, we're going to an ancient ruins, it's going to be filled with strong monsters making the chances of you dieing higher.

Y/N: Even so, it's better to bring someone along than to do it alone. I can at least watch your back or provide support. You can choose whether to bring me or Uni. Besides, if the same incident were to happen to you again...

Noire x Male Reader: "Meteor Of The Starry Skies"Where stories live. Discover now