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Next Level
chapter one // prologue

It could have been another usual Saturday night spent at home for Yuri, surfing through the TV channels until he got bored and decided to go to sleep. Could have been.

Instead, the black haired man was persuaded by his closest (and frankly his only) friend to go out to a bar with him. Yuri had been ready to decline his offer but Phichit promised him it would be fun and he really wanted his best friend to have fun at least for one night. How long had it been since Yuri had gone out?

It didn't sound like a bad idea to go to a bar and have some drinks.

Or at least that's what Phichit had mentioned when persuading Yuri to come along with him and a few other friends. But rather than walking into a quiet bar, the group confidently walked into a strip club, without Yuri knowing until he saw the inside of the building.

Oddly enough, there didn't seem to be a specific gender working the business, Yuri noticed as he saw both a female and male workers dancing up on the stage.

"Great." Yuri mumbled under his breath, adverting his eyes and staring down at his shoes instead. He was well over the age to be allowed in a place like this, but Yuri was as close to being a virgin a non-virgin could be. He had only had one relationship that lasted long enough to have sex and two different sex partners, each at different times and only single one night stands.

He was pretty inexperienced sexually and pretty unfamiliar to these types of scenarios.

"Lets go, Yuri!" Phichit beamed, tugging at his friend, hoping to liven him up. "There's both guys and girls here, so this is perfect for you~"

"Just because I'm bi it doesn't mean I want to see both genders dancing naked above my head." Yuri stated back, a bit sarcastically to which Phichit gave a playful roll of his eyes at.

"Okay, then, want to go get drinks?" The raven friend offered. That seemed like a better idea.

Both males made their way to the bar, scanning the options showcased behind the bartender serving drinks. Without asking Yuri, Phichit ordered a pair of drinks for both of them and Yuri only went along with it knowing it was the least he could do.

"Why don't you lighten up?" Phichit began, leaning his back against the edge of the bar counter. "I mean this in a caring way. I'd like to see my best friend enjoy his summer with someone else other than his family and me."

Yuri nodded as always. They both knew the answer to that, Phichit has known since Yuri broke up with his last and only girlfriend -- Yuri believed he was not made to be in relationships. Call it fear of commitment or whatever you want, but Yuri was terrible at keeping a relationship. And he'd honestly rather not try again.

"Well, at least maybe you'll get yourself someone to take home for the night. Plus, you never know! You might just click!" His dear friend beamed after not getting a response.

"Perhaps." Yuri sighed, scanning the people around the bar. He didn't feel like taking anyone home though. Not tonight.

"Here you go." The bartender said, placing their drinks on the counter. Yuri thanked him and after Phichit paid they left the bar in search of their other friends.

It was quite boring for Yuri sitting there for forty minutes, trying his best to keep his eyes away from unnecessary places. As he sat there he could feel something nagging at him in the back of his mind, like a soft tapping into his conscience.

After hearing countless of songs and seeing far too much skin, Yuri finally decided he needed a break.

"I'm going to the restroom." Yuri announced, not too worried if Phichit heard him over the music or not.

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