23 (Part 1)

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Daveeds POV
I was at my apartment and I was holding my phone, my hands were shaking.

I was going to ask Fleur out on a date and I couldn't believe I, Daveed Diggs, was nervous.

Daveed:Hey Fleur! Tomorrows Valentines day and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?
Fleur:Id love to! What time?
Daveed:5 sound good?

I did it..

I actually asked her out on a motherfracking date!!!

Fleurs POV
Me and Jadee were chilling on the couch when my phone buzzed.

It was from Daveed.

{Whole text from Daveeds POV because im too lazy to write it again}

"OMG! Jadee! Daveed asked me out on a date!!" I squealed in excitement.

"Great! I can have the house all to myself!" She smiled. Her phone then rang and she pouted

"Nevermind. This house will be lonely" she sighed

"Its fine. Where's my dog?" I asked.

She pointed towards my room.

I never let my dog out because JJ has Zoophobia.

(Search it up. I actually have it)

"Anyways! Im going to pick out an outfit for tomorrow. You should too if you're going on a date as well." I said and went to my room.

Im actually going on a date with Daveed Diggs!

I knew I couldn't get with Anthony but one I actually have Daveed! Well.. he just asked me on a date.. no big deal.

~teh nxt dy~

I got ready and put on this outfit:

I got ready and put on this outfit:

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(Courtesy of sabgruspe)

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(Courtesy of sabgruspe)

And went out of my room.

"Fleur you look beautiful! Daveed is going to go all Cloud and Aerith over you!" J exclaimed.

"Cloud and Aerith?" I asked

"Oh. Final Fantasy couple" She said "I should've known" I sighed and then the doorbell rang.

"I'll leave you and your soon-to-be-boyfriend be." Jadee said before walking to her room.

I opened the door and saw Daveed dressed up properly

"Y-You look beautiful" he stuttered.

"I see I have made Daveed Diggs stutter" I joked "Whatever. Anyways, Follow me!" He said and lead me to his car.

We both got in and he started driving

"Where are you taking me?" I asked

"Somewhere." He smirked.

A while later he handed me a blindfold and I wore it reluctantly.

"Follow me" he said and helped me out of the car.

I held onto him while he lead me somewhere.

"Take off your blindfold!" He said and I tore it off.

"Woah.." I stood in awe. I admired the structure infront of me.

It was a nice elegant restaurant which was France themed.

"These are for you" he said handing me flowers.

"Thanks. Did you know Fleur means flowers in French?" I said with a "matter-of-fact" tone.

"Oh really?" He laughed.

(Bet you never knew! Sabby I bet you 10 dollars that you didn't know that Fleur meant flower. No faking and No google translate.)

We walked inside the restaurant and everything was very nice, The scenery, the food, Daveeds face. Everything.

We then went to the park (where we saw some people😉😉) and sat down on a blanket that Daveed had layed out.

"Fleur, I know this is sudden but will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

My whole world stopped. I smiled.

"Of course!" I smiled and we kissed.

Soon enough we had to go home.

"Bye Dav" I said and pecked his lips "Bye Fleur" He winked at walked away.

I was Helpless.

Okay, So this is a... 4-5 part thing. Its basically everyones Valentines day.

Thanks sabgruspe for the idea.

Next chapter may be... ummmm Jadee and Andrews date, then I will make Oaks Valentines day. Then ill do Lippa then last but not least the most praised ship:Janthony.

I mean that is why I made this book.

Okay bye bye!

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