Chapter 3

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(Time Skip to the entrance exam)

M/N: ''Y/N! Wake up! You're gonna be late for the entrance exam!''
M/N: ''Come on!''
Your mother walked up the steps with a bottle of water, she slowly opened your door and shuffled around your bed, dumping the water on you.
Y/N: ''&*#^$&*#%$&*^%&$%$^&%&^?????????????????''
M/N: "hAhA sErvEs yOu RiGhT, You're late for the entrance exam! Hurry up!'' She yelled walking out as you scrambled around your room, looking for your comb and watch.

(A smol time skip, provided by a gAy bAkUgoU)

You stomped out of your room, looking at your watch.
Y/N: "hOlY sHiT iTs 8:00 aM?!1!! I'M SO LATE!!" You cried in what seemed to be fake tears.
You snatched your backpack, not even bothering to eat breakfast and ran out of the house.
You arrived at the entrance exam, laying your backpack with the other backpacks?, You quickly ran to where everyone else was. "SORRY I'M LATE!!" You wheezed, placing your hands on your knees to add the dramatic effect, causing everyone to look at you, including that certain boy with heterochromatic eyes. ''It's fine, nOw wHo iS rEadY tO rOcK?1!1!???!!?!?!?11!" The banana haired dude screamed. Silence. More Silence. "There are four robots, 0 pointer, 1 pointer, 2 pointer and 3 pointer!1!1!!11, Steer clear of the 0 pointer, that will only cause trouble. You will all be separated into groups A, B and C!! nOw aRe yOu rEaDy?1?1?11!!"

(Another small time skip provided by daddy-zawa)

"Group B, Huh." You muttered eyes focused ahead of you, waiting for all hell to break loose.
"3, 2, 1 START!!!!!!" You immediately transformed into a dragon, flying above everyone, you spotted a cluster of 3 pointers and dived towards them. Right before hitting them, you stopped suddenly, opening your wings which created a gust of wind that knocked them down to the hot asphalt ground. You smirked, taking flight once more as you searched for more robots.

19 Robots later.

''Hah..." You panted as you counted how many points you had. "76 points, not bad." You muttered, sitting on top of a building watching everyone else fight. Rumble. Rumble. You turned around and spotted the 0 pointer. "Shit.." You muttered under your breath as you took flight, flying towards a 3 pointer, and colliding with it. "Are you stupid or something?" A certain dual-hair colored boy asked as he stood over your limp body. You nodded, before blacking out.

OH HEY ITS ME, BRINGING YOU YET ANOTHER SHORT AND UNDETAILED CHAPTER! YAY!1!1! I rushed this due to personal reasons -cough- anyways, my update schedule should be every weekend, both Saturday and Sunday, I might upload on weekdays if I'm bored.
I'm not gonna put a word count because it's so short :/ anyways, the next update will be on Monday. pEaCe oUt bOiS ✌️
(ps: rice please don't cringe at this, even though it is cringe, thanks)

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