Life without the Turtles

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You and the turtles have reached the lair, the turtles placed back their weapons on the weapons waal. Then someone appeared.

"Where have you been?." Then Mikey ran towards to that someone you haven't met yet.

"Master Splinter, we just saved our friend." Mikey said, then you turned your back and you saw a giant rat (No offense sensai).

"(Y/N)!." Mikey said then he ran towards you, and grabbed your arm. "Meet our coolest sensai!." Mikey said happily, and you met Master Splinter.

"Hello my child." Master Splinter said politely.

"Hello, Master Splinter." You replied.

"What happened to you?." Master Splinter asked.

"Well uhmm a ninja girl took me and brought me to TCRI. And two mutants buckled me up to an arm chair, then this ninja girl placed something in my head. Then I woke up and I saw Donnie." You replied.

"Well i'm glad you're safe now." Master Splinter said, you wanted to tell him that Karai is looking for them but you're nervous to tell him.

"Well I need to go now, my parents might be finding me again." You said.

"We'll come with you." Leo said, you agreed but before you could go you said goodbye to Master Splinter. Then you went home.

You've reached your home, you went out of the truck. Then you looked at the turtles. "Thanks guys for saving me and all. I really appreciate it, thanks for being good friends." You said "I'm starting school in two days-." You said while you fixed your hair since it was messy. "And I might not, uhm. Well guys thanks for everything see you next time." Then you went inside your apartment.

You wanted to say that you might not hang out too much, because Karai might get you again. And she might know where the turtles are and you don't want that to happen, you wanted them to be safe and also yourself. It hurts you to not hang out with them, but you're doing it for safety.

(Two days later)

You were sleeping in your bed, your mom knocked on your door and entered your room. She went to your room and woke you up since you have to get ready for school. You woke up and it was 5:00 am, you went down to the dining room and ate breakfast. Then you took a shower and dressed up and went to school.

You've reached your school and went to your classroom. When you entered your classroom you saw your bestfriend You ran towards your bestfriend and said "Hey (BFF/N)!." Your bestfriend saw you and said "Oh my gosh (Y/N)!." Then you hugged each other, you haven't seen him/her for a long time.

"So, hows your summer?." Your bestfriend asked.

"It was really fun and." You paused for awhile because you remembered what happened to you, two days ago.

"And???." Your bestfriend asked.

"Cool." You replied.

Your class is about to start so you sat next to your bestfriend. Your class adviser went inside your room, and introduced herself.

"Good morning class, my name is Mrs. Coleman. I will be your class adviser for the whole school year." Mrs. Coleman said.

Then someone entered your classroom, it was a boy wearing a black jacket and a brown backpack.

"Late, Mr. Jones." Mrs. Coleman said, then the boy went to his seat. He sat behind you since it was the only vacant chair left.

"Ok class it's introduction time." Mrs. Coleman said "Lets start from the back." Then you looked at the back, and you saw the boy. He looked nervous but he still stood up anyway. He went to the front and introduced himself.

"Hi, my names Casey Jones." Casey said.

"Any talents or hobbies?." Mrs. Coleman asked.

"Well I play hockey, it's my favorite sport." Casey replied.

"Well, thanks for introducing yourself." Mrs. Coleman said and Casey went back to his seat. "Okay you're next." Mrs. Coleman said she pointed at you, you were shocked and nervous but you still went to the front and introduced yourself.

"Hello Mrs. Coleman and classmates." You said politely. "My names (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Do you have any talent or hobby?." Mrs. Coleman asked.

"Well I love acting, and I usually hang out with my friends." You replied, you frowned a little bit. You remembered the turtles when you said "hang out with my friends".

"Is everything all right?." Mrs. Coleman asked, she asked because she noticed you frowned a little bit.

"Yes, Mrs. Coleman." You replied then you headed back to your seat, and the rest of the class introduced themselves.

The bell rang and it was your break time, Mrs. Coleman exited the room and all of your classmates stood up and went to the cafeteria. You were with your bestfriend and before you went to the cafeteria you went to your lockers.

"I want to go home now." Your bestfriend said but of course that was just a joke, you both laughed and took everything you need in your locker and headed to the cafeteria.

You and your bestfriend have reached the cafeteria, you two sat on a chair. But then your bestfriend noticed that Casey Jones was sitting alone.

"Hey (Y/N), look." Your bestfriend said then he/she pointed at Casey. You saw him sitting alone eating pizza.

"What about it?." You asked.

"Well since your sociable why won't you go and talk to him. And I mean look at him, he's sitting alone come on." Your bestfriend said.

"But how about you?." You asked.

"Don't worry about me, i'll go with my other friends. I'll just meet you in class." Your bestfriend replied and he/she stood up and headed to the other table. Then you went up to Casey's table.

"Hey Casey." You said and you sat on Casey's table.

He looked behind and he saw you and said "Oh hey."

"You're (Y/N) right?." Casey asked.

"Yeah." You replied "So, got any friends?." You asked.

"Well not yet, but I do have some friends like in my hockey team." He replied while eating his pizza.

"Oh, thats cool you play hockey." You said. "I've never played hockey, but I wanna try it."

"Oh wait." Casey said then he took one last bite of his pizza and said "I have a hockey game tomorrow, I have two tickets. Wanna come and watch?."

"Sure!." You replied, then the bell rang and you and Casey headed back to class.

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