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You arrived at the place where Casey's championship game will take place, you were glad you still remembered where the place was. Though you didn't go inside immediately because the tickets aren't with you, it was with Casey since you told him "You'll see about it". So you went to a corner that was not that far to the entrance, then you pulled your phone out at the right pocket of your jeans, turned it on and texted Casey.

To: Casey Jones

Hey, Casey, it's me (Y/N), I know I said that I wasn't still sure if I'm able to go to your championships. But fortunately, I managed my time to study and I am here now, outside the arena waiting for you. Please come and see me.

You read your message twice just to make sure you wrote the right thing, then after, you sent the message. You were now waiting for Casey. You feel kinda lost since there's a lot of people here, last time you went to this place it wasn't that crowded. You used your phone for a while, while waiting for Casey. Then 5 minutes later someone mentioned your name.

"Hey (Y/N)!" you were surprised when you heard your name, you knew it was Casey. You looked to the right and you saw him coming towards you with a wave and a big smile. You smiled back.

"Hey Casey." You said happily.

"I'm glad you came! Though the game isn't starting yet." Casey replied.

"Oh okay, when will the game start then?." You asked.

"It will start at around 20 minutes." He replied you could tell that Casey was really glad.

"Wait really? well then hand over the ticket and let's go inside immediately. I see you aren't suited up yet." You replied. Then Casey pulled out the ticket in his left pocket then he handed it over to you, then both of you immediately went inside the arena.

~After the championships~

The game just ended 10 minutes ago, some people left and some people were still on their seats. As for you, you were still on your seat waiting for Casey. Before he gathered with his team, he told you to stay on your seat if the game has ended. You have no clue why but you just did it anyway. You sat there waiting for him, you thought "Is he going to surprise me or something?". You were very curious. Then finally 15 minutes later he arrived and sat next to you. 

" Hey (Y/N) I am very sorry I had you waiting for me." He said sincerely.

"Oh  that's okay you know what they say, patience is the key." You replied then both of you burst into laughter. 

"So..... do you want to go out and grab something to eat?." Casey asked. 

"Uhm I am so sorry... I can't" You replied, though you really wanted to, it is just that you gotta get home at 9:30 and it is almost 8 pm. You're gonna have dinner with your family at the time you should be at home since your dad said yesterday he will be bringing home some delicious food, such as a salad and a steak. And you're also planning to visit the turtles. "I have to get home... already." You continued awkwardly. 

"Oh that's fine (Y/N) I completely understand, you know what they say too right? family first!." He replied. You could tell through his eyes that he really was looking forward for you to say yes, you felt a little bit bad for yourself. "I'll make it up to him" you thought.

"Well, I better get going now, because I am also planning to study again for Physics." You said then you stood up from your seat, then Casey did too. 

"Oh yeah we have something important to do for Physics tomorrow, I haven't studied yet." Casey just realized that there was gonna be a test for Physics tomorrow. 

"Yup..." You replied.

By then most of the people who didn't leave their seats earlier have already left, both of you headed towards the exit. Before you both headed to separate" ways, Casey wanted to say something, to you.

"Uhm hey (Y/N) I want to tell you something." Casey said, you could tell at this moment he was quite shy. You were curious again, "What will he say?" you thought.

"Oh uh yeah sure, what is it?" You replied you were feeling a little bit nervous. 

"I wanted to tell this to you for a long time, but I hadn't had the courage to say it to you, but now I do." Casey said still quite shy. "I bet he's gonna say he likes me" you thought. "I really like you (Y/N) from the start, you were so friendly, helpful and respectful to me. And I appreciate it really." He continued. "What does he mean by he likes me? as a friend or something else." you thought.

You were surprised by what he said, but you got to say something so you said "Oh uhm thanks Casey, I like you too." when you said "I like you too" Casey started smiling, but then you said "as a friend" then Casey's smile started to fade away slowly. "Are you okay?" You asked because his smile faded little by little.

"Yeah, I am." He replied "Well, off I go now. My mom's probably waiting for me now, bye." Then he turned back and headed home. Casey was wearing his favorite black jacket at that time, so before he went too far he wore his hoody. 

You started walking home, if that's where you're really going. Because you were still deciding whether or not to visit the turtles, you haven't seen them for days so you felt quite shy to go. As you are walking you thought "Maybe Casey wore his hoodie because that's a sign that I hurt his feelings." I mean you like and love Casey but just as a friend, "I have to talk to him about this tomorrow" you said to yourself. Then you decided just to visit the turtles, "I can't be shy just because I haven't seen them for days." you thought, then you started to head on your way to the turtles. 

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