His Pretty Eyes

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Hello… oh you're so pretty. So very, very pretty…

"Hey Ruki. I got your call. Are you feeling okay?" Uruha asked, stepping in as the vocalist held the door open for him.

"Not really." Heh-heh… but I will. Very, very soon. Yes. Very soon.

The guitarist placed his keys and cellphone on the counter before turning back to Ruki. "Would you like me to call the others? I'm sure Kai-"

"No!" The vocalist shouted. "I mean…" He pulled a hand through his hair, forcing a smile. "…I just need you Uruha."

The Gemini looked at him with a puzzled expression. He shrugged it off and leaned back against the counter. "So what would you like me to do?"

This is perfect! "I-" Suddenly, the vocalist put a hand over his mouth and dashed for the bathroom. The guitarist called after him as he flung the door open and quickly kneeled down beside the toilet. He heard footsteps in the hallway as the other male followed after him. I'll show you.

The honey-blonde stopped in the doorway and stared down at the vomiting vocalist. He caught his breath and then dropped to his side. "There, there." He spoke gently, rubbing his back comfortingly. "You'll be okay Ruki."

A few minutes later, the vocalist finally stopped puking. He wiped his mouth of with a tissue paper and then smiled at Uruha. A smile that the guitarist took as a friendly one. He mirrored back the same face. You really are pretty… Uruha started to get to his feet. …it's too bad I've got to kill you.

Before the honey-blonde was fully standing, Ruki grabbed his wrist roughly and forcefully pulled him down. The guitarist lost his footing and fell; his head colliding with the edge of the toilet seat. He cried out as he then hit the floor and pulled out of Ruki's grasp, holding his pain-stricken head. Ruki licked his lips and sneered down at the guitarist. How does it feel, hmmm? Look at you writhing in pain like that. Maybe now you know how he felt…

"Ow, damnit! Ruki what was that for?" Uruha exclaimed, staring at him with an irritated expression.

"I know what you did Uruha," Ruki said menacingly, "I know what you did to him."

Uruha's face contorted in utter confusion. "What? Ruki what're you talking about?"

"-and now," Ruki continued ignoring the guitarist's words, "-it's time for you to pay."

A look of realization passed over Uruha's face. Ruki's eyes lit up dangerously. The guitarist moved to get away but the vocalist was too quick. Not so fast my dear! He gripped a handful of his gorgeous hair and reefed on it, causing the guitarist to let out a wounded cry. Just where do you think you're going?

He pulled harder, dragging the guitarist over to the bathtub only inches away from the toilet. Ruki looked down at the calm water that'd gone unnoticed by the honey-blonde and smiled at his reflection. The guitarist started fighting back, lashing out at the vocalist as hard as he could. Nothing appeared to subdue him. The vocalist merely tsk-tsked and gripped the handful of hair harder, straining the strands and pulling at the guitarist's scalp. When Uruha started shouting, calling out for help, the vocalist seized his throat with his free hand and squeezed. The guitarist started choking and reached up to punch Ruki. The vocalist laughed maliciously and dragged Uruha's upper body into the bathtub.

Water splashed out of the tub and all over the bathroom floor. The guitarist flailed desperately beneath the water, looking up through the rapidly rippling water at Ruki. The vocalist held the guitarist there, looking at him curiously as if he were a specimen ready to be dissected. See? You don't like this do you? Do you? Oh no. No, no, no… no you don't. He lifted his head out from the water and he gasped for breath. Hardly even a second later, Ruki shoved him back beneath the room-temperature liquid and watched with an amused expression as Uruha tried to claw at his hands beneath the water.

This is what happens when you trust someone, right? Ruki narrowed his eyes as if the honey-blonde could clearly see him. You never would think that they'd hurt you, so why worry? But no… you're not like that, are you? I know what you did. With your pretty face, pretty eyes and smile… you're the reason he's dead. He pushed the guitarist all the way down to the bottom of the bathtub, clenching his teeth as he envisioned the one he loved, so unfairly dead. How I love your face… but these pretty eyes can't be allowed to hurt anyone anymore.

The guitarist struggled beneath the water, violently thrashing, trying desperately to reach the surface. His sunglasses fell from his face, soon after being smashed by one of his thrashing arms. Blood trickled out of the small cut from the glasses and slowly began to color the once serene bath water. His wound brought another wicked sneer to the vocalist's stunning face. Any second now the honey-blonde's lungs would completely fill with water and he'd be dead. Tortured, just as the one he loved. Ruki smiled, thinking that he would be undoubtedly proud of him for putting an end to his murderer.

Smothered, gagged, stifled, whichever way it was put, the guitarist was going to die. Drowned by an avenger who refused to forget what he knew to be true. His love was agonizingly dead, so why should he get to survive? And how many other lives had the guitarist's pretty eyes claimed? It was over for him. He would never hurt another soul again.

The guitarist's cold dead eyes stared up at Ruki through the once again, calm water. Reddened by his blood, the water held Uruha as if he were a dead doll. The vocalist released his hold on him and pulled his arms out of the water. He shook them off before cleansing them with a washcloth and soap at the bathroom sink. With his peripheral vision, he looked Uruha's way. Goodnight my dear… He turned off the tap and then exited the bathroom, hearing his own cellphone ringing in his bedroom.

He walked over and flopped down on his bed, flipping open the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Ruki. It's me. Have you taken your pills yet?"

He sighed, looking at the small, white, full bottle of pills resting on his pillow. "Yes, of course I have." He hoped his lie wasn't obvious. He knew that if he'd taken his pills he never would've had the strength to finish Uruha off. And of course Uruha had to be killed; punished for what he'd done.

"That's my man." The voice said lovingly. "Why don't you come by my place tonight? I've got something special planned."

Ruki bit his bottom lip excitedly. "Really? Can I come over now?"

"Sure!" There was a pause. "Oh yeah, you haven't heard from Uruha at all have you? Reita's been texting him like crazy and he hasn't answered."

The vocalist felt his insides go numb. Leave it to the bassist to screw with everything. But maybe he was just another who'd fallen victim to the honey-blonde. He smiled to himself, knowing he was a hero for what he'd done. "Nope. Haven't heard from or seen him in a few days."

"Hn, okay. I'll make sure to tell him. Guess he's taking a few days off." The vocalist giggled at the other's selection of words. "What?"

"Nothiiiing." He purred. "I'll be right over. I love you Aoi."

"I love you too Ruki."

The phone clicked in his ear. He shut it and walked past his bathroom with a triumphant skip to his step. How could things have been any better? Other than the fact that he was going to see the one he loved… nothing could ever top that. Taking one last glance at the lifeless guitarist in his bathtub, he left his apartment.

And now, my dear, you'll never hurt him again.

Author's Note:

For those that may not understand what's happened, here's a breakdown of it: Uruha broke Aoi's heart and therefore "killed" him. Ruki, loving Aoi as he does, hates Uruha for doing so. He takes himself off his medication, loses himself to his insanity, and ends up killing Uruha for Aoi. Of course, the raven would never wish the honey-blonde dead. But Ruki believes that Uruha is better off dead than hurting anyone else, or Aoi any further.

Brought to you by the Gazette's song: Burial Applicant.

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