My Pup

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•Woof Woof! Welcome my son Luca to the family! And of course his daddy and master Anthony!. Another cannon thing, I just want to remind you that I'm open to making any of theirs full fledged book so just comment of you want that. Also THESE TWO ARE SO FUCKING CUTE LIKE OMG I WISH I HAD A LUCA OF MY OWN OH GOD. I WANNA LUCA BUT A POMERANIAN SEMI!! AHHHH I NEED ONE! Ok fan boy over. I'm single, just wanna put that out their XD (ain't no one wanna date my fanboy ass :<). Alrighty, I'll let ya go on and read now•

*mention of sexual abuse and rape, I'm sorry ;-;*

>word count 5422 w/o author shit<

"He's been trained quite well by are inhouse trainer Anthony." Kole said as his hand reached for the small pups colar. The small boy flinched away from his hand, putting his hand up in an instinctual way of protecting his face. It made my heart hurt that he had the need to do something like that, but i knew how hard it was to keep some Semi-Breeds docile so that they would behave and not attack. It helped my guilty conscious to think that the small wolf Semi-breed had maybe attacked someone, or had just been aggressive before to make it necessary to hit him, but deep down i knew that wasn't the case. He was small, timid, and had no signs of ever being farrell. Though he was a Semi-breed, or as the normal public would call them, a neko, he seemed to be of pure breed decent. the way his eyes shone a prominent yellow and still had fangs, though small, where clear was a sign of being a purebred, but with a thin more feminine body and no sign of not having a animal made it so it wasn't hard to see he definitely wasn't pure. Maybe his father or mother had had a pup with a person, not hard to see in this day in age but it was especially hard to find a semi-breed this close to pure. a small whimper left the boy as koles finger hooked on the underside of his collar, effectively keeping him from scurrying away. it was clear that he wanted to get out of here. as the collar slipped slightly down his precious skin, i saw a small number burned into the skin, it read 138. It was probably his auctioneer code, but i neglected to even try to remember it from the actual show. It seemed like it would be very painful, even now after probably months of having it. Kole tugged at the collar in a bored manner, making a small choking noise come from the pups perfect lips before his small body tumbled off of the small box he had been sat on, landing with a small thud on the tile of the payment room. The pup whimpered as he hurried to his knees, no doubt what he was trained to do when on the ground. I Sighed as i finally got a good look at the small Semi-breeds body. He was scrawny, as though he had eaten very little within the last year, His skin had small gashes dotted about and bruises where abundant around his shoulders and mid back. He looked frail, as though he would break if even a finger was placed on him.

"Yea" I hummed dismissively, pushing my hand into my pocket. The first thing i felt was smooth leather which was connected to a metal chain. perfect, just what i was looking for. I slowly pulled out the small rectangular wallet that had the name of my company on it 'Semi-Nation International. It showed a depiction of a neko cat girl on it, are top selling semi and the one which most of my employee owned. It wasn't hard to tell why, most of the cat girls were beautiful, with long hair and skinny waists that would drive any man wild. Plus are training regimine made them perfect little pets for anyone, both in the sexual and non sexual way. They would be trained with the utmost care and discipline and most the time would end up coming back perfect, but apparently i didn't know my own company as well as i thought i did, The small wolf boy whimpered and shook under Koles fingers and he looked terrible. I thought all are Semis where treated with the utmost respect like the cat girls, then again, this boy wasn't exactly one of our semis to begin with. He was a donation, he wasn't bread to be the perfect semi so i guess they didn't treat him right or even try to make him a good pet for that manner. From what it looked like, they beat and cut him whenever he was bad and rarely gave him food or love.

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