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You were lying face down on the couch in the break-room where you worked. You caught a really bad cold, but your manager found no remorse and made you come to work. Your and your manager had been having fights and no one stopped it.

Ever since your best friend moved away, no one stood up for you... Since you were too scared to do it yourself. You always waited for Wonwoo to come back, you had waited since 2nd grade. But Wonwoo never showed back up.

Tomorrow was Valentine's day and you had the day off since the Manager wants to give his employees a day to enjoy their loved one's company. Expect You, You were having to stay and clean the entire place. Plus run the shop from 10 am to 2 pm, Which makes you scream with anger.

When you arrived the next day you opened the shop up and restocked the shelves. The bell ringed letting you know someone walked into the store. "Welcome." You said monotone as you went back around the counter, reorganizing the counter area. You saw items being placed on the counter so you started to scan them.

"This be all?" You asked as You looked up. "Yes." The old woman said as she dug through her purse. "That'll be 12.90, Would you like your drink in a bag?" You asked as She nodded and got the bags. "Have a nice day." You said as she walked out of the store, You sighed as the bell rung again.  "Welcome." You said. 

After about 8 minutes the man came up to the counter and put down his items. "This all?" You asked as You looked down. "Can I have a scratch-off ticket?" The man asked as you nodded. 

You scanned the ticket and put it in the bag. When you looked up you were met with a familiar face. "Y/N..?" The man asked shakily as you tilted your head. "Yeah, That's me." You shot back as the man hugged you from across the counter. "I missed you..." The man cried into your shoulder. "Who the hell-" then you realized, it was Wonwoo. You hugged him tighter as you both sobbed. "Wonwoo... I missed you so damn much." You cried out as Wonwoo pulled away from the hug.

"I missed you more." Wonwoo stated as he smiled, "Where the hell where you anyway?" You asked. "I went to Seoul to audition for Pledis Entertainment. I'm in the group Seventeen, haven't you heard?" Wonwoo asked as you shook your head. "No, I actually didn't. Anyway... I'm about to lock up shop. Why are you back in town anyway?" You asked as you turned off the open light. 

"I came to see you..." Wonwoo mumbled something you couldn't hear. "Hm?" you titled your head. "I said I came to see my parents." Wonwoo smiled as you nodded. "A lot has changed since you left and your parents came back without those years ago." You sighed as you looked outside. "How are your parents doing?" Wonwoo asked as he walked with you to your house. "Both of them... Died in a car crash a few months back, I was the only who survived." Wonwoo hugged you as you sighed. "Other then that, they tore the old school down. Mrs. Lee passed away due to her cancer and I get insulted by my manager every time I go to work."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have moved away from you," Wonwoo said. "It's fine. I would've probably still seen you sometime in my life after you moved anyway." You smiled as he held your hand and walked you home.  

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