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(Y/N) =Your Name

Text in italics = Thoughts

(Y/N) PoV:

Just as I closed the door to my locker getting ready to go to my next lesson the sound of girls screaming attacked my ears. Slightly annoyed, I clicked my tongue in annoyance at the havoc the person responsible for the noises caused. Instead of turning in the direction of the noise I decided to just walk away, I wasn't ready for so much noise so early in the morning, it's only 9 am.

Just as I reached a corner away from my classroom door I felt a weight push my body forward, making me almost trip on air and plummet to the ground. Even more annoyed I instantly shot a glare at the direction of the person. When I got back up again I realised who it was, an oh so familiar face, the school's most popular guy: Jeon Jungkook. Despite his royalty-like appearance and description I never stopped giving him a glare. "Watch where you're going." is all I said, in between half-gritted teeth before walking away and into the classroom.

As soon as I placed my fatigued figure in my chair ready to put my head on my table to nap for a few minutes before the teacher arrived I felt yet another weight on me. Only this time I had no reason to get annoyed. I slowly tilted my head to face the bright smile on my best friend's face. "Good Morning, Ju" I replied back, slightly smiling. "Oh come onnn (Y/N) you should smile more often" she replied with a cute pouty face. "Hmm, maybe in 80 years I will" I retort sarcastically. Just before she could come up with a response the teacher walked in. I eventually sat straight, rubbing my eyes.

The teacher was taking the register when the door randomly swung open. All heads turned to the direction of the noise to be presented with the view of Jungkook. Great, I managed to see that crappy face twice so early in the morning. I could sense today would be far from normal, something I didn't want. Can't I just nap already? I whine in my head to myself.

"Sorry I'm late I was caught up... between some students," he says to the teacher, smiling at her, trying to act all innocent to avoid a detention. I scoff under my breath, rolling my eyes and looking out of the window so I don't have to see that face anymore.

"It's alright Mr. Jeon, but please try to be more punctual next time." the teacher says waving her hand in the air as a gesture for him to go sit down. "Thank You." he bows before sitting a few seats behind me. As he walked passed, most of the girls would begin to fawn over him. What's so special about him anyway? When the teacher noticed him sit down, she began the lesson. We had Maths first thing in the morning. In all honesty, I actually enjoy the subject its interesting and there's only ever one correct answer so whenever I get something right it makes me feel like I have this weird sense of power. Maybe it's just me getting happy too easily but does it really matter as long as I get good grades?

Working through the worksheet I eventually notice Julia struggling a bit, a light chuckle escapes my lips unknowingly. "Almost just need to factorise the two brackets now." I whisper to her, watching her stop biting her fingers and eventually getting the correct answer. A small smile of relief and joy hit her face, making me smile in return as well. I'm glad she got the hang of it since now I could sleep today after school rather than having to tutor her. Don't get me wrong, I love helping her out but I love my sleep a bit more, sorry not sorry.

What I didn't notice was that someone was also struggling like Julia in the same classroom, if not in a worse position than her. When the class ended I heard a large sigh of relief being exhaled from the back of the class. When I turned around with a weird look I realised Jungkook had been sighing, I guess he didn't like maths huh?

The minute I walked out of the room with Julia she let out a little scream, immediately running into her boyfriend's arms. Unfortunately, he had to be friends with Jungkook. Speaking of the devil, he pushed my shoulder to the side before bro-fisting Yoongi, who was at the same time hugging my best friend. Another glare was shot at Jungkook today. He really isn't as innocent and kind as everyone thinks, he can't even say a damn sorry to me.

Sure Yoongi and Julia are cute and all but I don't want to be forced to see them being lovey-dovey in front of me, call me a spoil sport but I just... don't like it? At least he and I got along well, probably since we both supposedly have "super similar personalities" as quoted by Julia at least a thousand times now. Sighing for the nth time today I grabbed Julia's arm and began walking to our next lesson: Biology, leaving the two boys alone. I could sense someone staring at my back but I decided to ignore it and focused on talking to Julia instead.

Luckily Jungkook wasn't in the same lesson as me for this period, at least I could breathe in peace for once. After the lesson ended it was break time. I knew for a fact that Julia would force me to hang out with her and Yoongi's group of friends, I wasn't sure if Jungkook would join us today or not but I really wish he wouldn't. Most girls would go crazy to even get eye contact with him but I prefer to stay as far away from him as possible. Popularity just isn't for me. Besides he acts like he owns the place like he's a king and I'm a peasant and as if I'm below him. Sure he's handsome but that doesn't make you a good person, for some reason he's always cold to me. I'm not sure if it's because of my own cold personality but at least I know my manners, besides he's perfectly fine with Yoongi. Without noticing I had stopped in my tracks deep in my own thoughts before Julia grabbed my arm and dragged me to the school canteen. "Let's go!!" is what she shouted excitedly like a little puppy. How could I ever get annoyed at someone as cute as her? I could see why Yoongi fell for her if I was a guy I would too. I just go with it and grab her arm in response.

When we arrive there Yoongi is already standing there with two slices of pizza in his hands, when Julia and I got closer to him and the others he handed it to her before landing a peck on her cheek. Jungkook wasn't here, thank god. A small sigh of relief unknowingly escaped my slightly parted lips. Out of nowhere, I saw a hand come in front of my face with a slice of pizza, I grabbed it, smiling at the owner of the hand. "Thank you Jimin-ssi." I immediately dig into the margarita pizza, its simplicity makes it taste even better.

Just as I was finishing off the crust a loud voice resonated through my ears once again, I knew exactly who caused it just like earlier on this morning. Another body joined the group, making it 9 people here now instead of 8, I internally roll my eyes. Guess I assumed too quickly that he wouldn't come. Pretending as if I didn't hate him enough already I finally made my face visible to everyone and began talking to Hoseok. We started to discuss whether milk should go before cereal or not, of course, I said that cereal comes first because... duh why wouldn't it? Before we knew it, the whole group was involved in the discussion. It soon became a tie, with me, Yoongi, Julia and Taehyung all agreeing that cereal comes first. Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon, and Seokjin all disagreed. Without thinking it through I asked Jungkook who's side he's on. He only smiled slightly, agreeing with Hoseok and the others. A loud sigh escaped my lips in disappointment whilst Hoseok and Jimin jumped together in the joy of winning.

What really annoyed me next was when Jungkook had the audacity to ask me what my name was. I was taken aback, he's acting as if we've met for the first time today, which is far from the truth, sure we don't talk but I clearly remember having told him my name several times before. Instead of retorting with a sarcastic comment I decided to just answer his question, "(Y/N), you better remember it I'm not going to keep telling you my name, I've done it far too many times" I mumble the part after my name to myself. "Huh? Did you say something?" he asks noticing me mumbling to myself. "Hmm? I didn't say anything other than my name" I reply with a fake smile for a fake person like him.

The day was pretty average after that incident. I had my other lessons and ate lunch on the rooftop alone with Julia where we just talked and laughed together.

When it was time to go home I gave my farewells to her and placed my earphones in my ear, pressing play. "Feels" began to play by Calvin Harris, I couldn't help but become more at ease as the sweet melody rang in my head. My train of happy thoughts about cake were abruptly interrupted when I felt someone yank my earphones out of my ears. I couldn't help but click my tongue in annoyance. As I looked up in growing anger I was faced with the smirking one of Jungkook himself. Just when my day was becoming better again he had to ruin it, great. "You should watch your mouth and actions next time midget before you regret it," he says all of a sudden whilst holding onto my right shoulder, an evil smirk growing on his face. At first, I was flabbergasted at what he meant until I realised he was referring to this morning. Not wanting to deal with him, I yanked his hands off of me, "Perhaps say that to someone who actually cares... or even better say it to someone who actually needs to hear it, how about you look in the mirror? There should be someone you should say that to." I begin to walk away, putting my earphones back in my ears, not even waiting to see the expression planted on his face. Sleep is more of a priority right now.

He thinks I'm intimidated by him, what an idiot.

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