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The next week at school has been quite weird not going to lie. I always feel glares being shot at me from behind and I can only guess it's one person's doing. Julia always gets walked home by Yoongi, it's very rare he doesn't do that so I don't have a lot of time to tell her about the incidents that occurred last week, perhaps I don't want her to know either...as for Jeeha I'm not sure how she would take it, her and Jungkook seem to get along quite well so I don't want her to change because of me. Their fights are always so childish, almost as if they were siblings. So as far as I'm aware only Jungkook and I are aware of what's happened between us and surprisingly we haven't had any close contact since. He hasn't been with the group lately at break times either. Although I'm relieved I still can't help but have this unsettling feeling deep within, almost as if he could attack at any moment when I'm unprepared.

I'm not entirely sure why he's always so mean to me nor why he decided to pick on me out of everyone else in the school but I sure as hell don't appreciate it. I wish we could just be friends so that I wouldn't have to go through all of this undeserving torture. But then again I'd rather not be the first to initiate the exchange and not only because I'm too lazy to do so...
Ok maybe that's the only reason but still I'm mentally unprepared, what if he takes me as a joke? Ahhh why am I so nervous right now? It's not like I'm going to confess my love to him (which doesn't exist) I should just be straightforward and confident!

Why does he have to make my life a living hell? I'd rather not meet the devil so early on but he's making that request impossible for me to fulfil. Before I knew it the bell had sounded for us to go to our first classes, I was still in the middle of getting my books for the day from my locker when all of a sudden I felt a rough budge on my back, making me crash into my locker. Luckily I was holding onto the locker door so the impact wasn't too much.

Being my short tempered self I instantly turn around with glaring eyes at the person who caused this scene. What surprised me was that it was one of Jungkook's fangirls who did this. "Watch it before you regret it" I growl at her, quite annoyed, a light stinging still evident to me on my arm. "Or what?" She retorts back with a scoff. "Don't test me... unless you want to leave with a new makeover... hmm two black eyes sound perfect for you" I continue to glare, still fuming. "Ah you're so funny I mean look at you, you're size doesn't seem to match up to your words." She says laughing or rather making a sound similar to a rhino giving birth, she clenched onto her stomach. With her guard down I instantly grabbed her collar, causing a loud clash to resonate soon after. She was against the wall and my hands were tightly holding onto her collar. "I know right, I'm hilarious but I haven't even made a joke yet... don't get to the party early, no one likes an early bird." I say now whispering into her ear as to not stir up a large crowd. "Don't assume my strength by how I look, you'll definitely regret it now."  I say smirking at her, eventually letting her go after her several failed attempts to let herself free of my grip.

When I closed the door of my locker the girl who I just put in her place was fixing her attire and walking away feeling embarrassed. A small smile fell onto my face until I was grabbed by my arm by Jeeha and Julia on each side to proceed to lesson. "What did you do this time, (Y/N)?" Julia asks whilst making our way with a sideways glance in my direction, looking worried and angry. "Wha- nothing. She's the one who attacked me first, what was I to do? Let her walk all over me? Nupe Not while I'm still alive." I explain to her with a hint of sass. "Ooo at least someone out of us three is brave and strong" Jee says, siding with me. "Hey what do you mean 'at least'?? I'm quite strong I'll let you know" Julia retorts childishly causing us all to break into laughter. "I love you guys" I say once we stop laughing. "We love you too!" They reply in unison.

Jungkook PoV:

The bell to get to lesson had just rung causing me to depart from the group of six other boys and two girls. I had biology next, ugh why do we need to learn about Mitosis anyway? As I'm making my way down the hall I hear a loud crash causing me to avert my eyes and mind from my task to the origin of the sound. What I was looking at seemed quite... interesting? The first crash was now accompanied by another one, but slightly less rough. What I was looking at shocked me, (Y/N) was holding onto another girl's collar saying something, presumably, seeing as she leaned into whisper something in the ears of the struggling girl. Damn I never knew she was this strong. Wait... now that I look closely I think I know who this other girl is... short skirt, tons of makeup, shoes with insoles, a high ponytail.... JESSICA??!
If you didn't know, Jessica is one of my exes and a stupid fangirl who won't stop following me. I only dated her for two weeks so that she'd stop stalking me but she never stopped, why is she coming after (Y/N) all of a sudden?
As (Y/N) is now walking away with Julia and Jeeha I realise something. What if she saw us talking on the roof? But what exactly would she have seen and heard... if anything at all?
Before I can continue to ponder further I hear the second bell ring and the three girls are no longer in sight, in fact, the halls are empty. Better make a run for it Kooks.

I think it's time to confront (Y/N) soon, I can't keep this in for too long. I can't be late...

A/N: Sorryyy for not updating in sooo long, I just came back from a trip to Iceland a few days ago, it was so much fun and we did so many activities so I didn't have time to update then. As for before that, I started Sixth Form and had my first set of mocks last week so I had to revise for those too. I'll try to update soon!

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