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(Y/N)'s PoV:

It's been a few days since the date with Jimin, I'm not going to lie, I have been thinking but just not about Jimin. I hate to admit it but my mind always seems to want to drift towards the school devil, I thought I was supposed to hate him for his annoying arrogant self, instead, here I am acting stupid and thinking of him when I should be thinking about Jimin instead so I can give him an answer as to how I feel about him. I've been subconsciously yet also not so subconsciously avoiding those two so I don't have to deal with this mess and so I can buy myself some more time in coming up with an answer. Julia has mentioned Jimin asking for me at break times but I always either go to the bathroom or library in my secret hiding spot in the corner with a giant beanbag behind all the bookshelves. It's my secret hideout whenever I'm in trouble with Julia since only Jeeha and I are aware of its whereabouts. 

Once I heard the bell ring I slowly got up not really wanting to since it was so comfy and grabbed my bag to head to Maths. Julia was already there and looking over her notes from last lesson, I  don't think she noticed when I sat down considering she didn't say anything like she usually does. As I made my way I automatically looked at the back, hoping to see his face but I was only faced with an empty chair, causing me to frown for a millisecond.

When the lesson ended we made our way to the canteen where Taehyung, Jeeha, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were already sat on our regular table. When we got there I heard Jin and Hoseok discussing how Jungkook wasn't at school for the past few days due to him feeling sick after Jeeha asked about his and Jimin's lack of presence. As they mentioned him being sick I felt my stomach turn a bit as I felt my heart ache a little. Jimin had apparently been running late so I wasn't too worried about him. I hope Jungkook is feeling better soon. 

Halfway through our lunch break, Jimin came running in, grabbing my arm and dragging me to my surprise somewhere away from the loudness and busyness. Once he stops I ask him, slightly out of breath, "why did you drag me out like that suddenly?" feeling slightly upset that I didn't get to finish my dessert. Once I looked him in the eyes, he pinned me against the wall, one hand on the wall next to my head, the other grabbing my hand, entangling ours together. "Have you decided yet?" he asks, almost impatiently. That question really did make me think, and it certainly made me realise why I didn't like our position right now, so I only slipped my hand out of his and moved away slightly, gaining confidence I look up after having stared at the ground for half a minute. "Look Jimin, you're an amazing guy, you're so kind, sweet, funny, handsome, and so much more any girl could ask for, but I can't seem to find a spark that's meant to exist between us, I can't feel it with you, I'm sorry, but I can't date you. Let's just remain friends for now." I say, with a low sigh feeling sorry for rejecting him like this. I can tell how much he likes me but I can't do this to my heart because it belongs to someone else. What are you doing to me, Jeon Jungkook?

After I confessed, he only smiled at me. "It's ok, I understand, so I won't force myself on you, but thank you for letting me experience a date with you, its enough to fill my heart if I can't be with you. But when you find the one, let me know, I want to help as your friend!" I smile at him widely giving him a big hug. 

The day soon came to an end and I made my way to the school library once again, only this time to borrow a book I've been dying to read. As I walk through the school with my book in my hands, the sky being dark, I hear dance music playing from somewhere. Being slightly intrigued I make my way to the origin of the sound only to come across a closed door to a dance studio. Being curious as to who was in there, I climb onto a ledge allowing me to get a clearer view of who was in there. My eyes widened in surprise to be presented with a sweaty Jungkook dancing by himself, looking almost as if he was about to pass out. When the music ended I opened the door and went in to tell him to go rest. 

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! What do you think you're doing huh? Who gave you the right to get out bed when you're sick and missing school? Are you really that dumb or dedicated to dance? Wahhh really I would've fought you by now, do you know how I worried I've been all day hearing you're sick? But here you are, practicing as if there's nothing wrong, you look like a ghost you're so pale! Paler than Yoongi and that's not normal!"

"Why do you even care, you should be with Jimin." he says, looking down after giving me an emotionless look. 

"And who are you to decide that for me?" I ask sternly, annoyed at his assumption. 

"He likes you."

"And what about you?" I ask, slightly nervous to hear his answer. 

"What?" he looks at me completely baffled. 

"You're someone special to me, Jungkook." is all I can say before I get shy and run out of the school towards my house, not even waiting for a response moreover waiting to see his facial expression. As soon as I close the door to my room I slide down against the door feeling embarrassed and stupid for telling him that. I can only hope I don't see him tomorrow and even if I do that he doesn't bring it up. 

The next day at school I remained fairly close to Jeeha and Taehyung. Was I ruining their shy yet awkward romance? Yes. Am I apologetic? Yes. Should I stop? Definitely. Do I want to make myself prone to being confronted by Jungkook? Nope. 

To be fair, they don't seem that annoyed and in fact, keep talking about the randomest things like what colour candy floss should be and what clouds would taste like. As mentioned before, they're pretty much perfect for each other since their weirdness only mixes to create a sense of harmony only those two can understand. I've been a good friend though by trying to openly ship them only to have them get shy and red in the face and the occasional Taehyung hitting my back feeling flustered. I guess sacrificing my back is better than confronting Jungkook right now, especially after what happened yesterday. 

Just as I thought I was going to be able to survive today, I was taken aback when I felt my arm being yanked and myself being dragged to a secluded area. Not knowing who it was who dragged me out I turn around feeling pretty annoyed but that all disappears as Jungkook's face focuses into my view. 

"What do you want?" I ask, trying to act calm but instead sounding rude. There goes my desire to not see him today. 


As soon as my ears processed that they turned a bright red, realising what he meant, but just to be sure and also due to me being flustered now in turn of Taehyung I blurt out: "W-what?" 

"(Y/N), I like you." As soon as he said those three words my heart skipped a beat. 

"....." I didn't know what to say so only stared at the ground feeling too flustered to say anything. I wanted to shout that I like him back, I love you so much Jungkook. How do I tell him that?

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" he says, waving his hand in front of my face, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Huh? Frogs are funny." I say, not thinking straight, causing him to burst out into laughter at my statement. 

"That wasn't exactly the answer I was looking for, but cute." he says, smiling and patting my head gently. 

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! Listen carefully since I'll only be saying it once...." I say the last part quieter than the rest but he still heard me considering his face lit up so brightly. 

Third Person PoV:

As (Y/N) whispered those words they both thought at the same time: 

Gosh, why do you make me so nervous? Agh I love you and I'm glad you love me back finally. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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