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AN: This is for a oneshot challenge issued by FriendOfNoOne 

Prompt and conditions:

Hero and Devil king, minimum of 4000 words, Toothfly, and the phrase 'What are you doing to that fish' has to appear in the story.

Once upon a time on the continent of Almera there lived three races. The humans who covered most of the continent were considered the weakest of the three races, but what they could not make up for in raw strength, they made up for with ingenuity. They spread far and wide across the continent and throughout history they had several conflicts over territory with the other two races. The second race was the Dragonkin, far fewer in numbers than the humans and they held territories to the south. The Dragonkin were humanoid with dragon-like features, scales littered parts of their bodies and they had wings and tails as well. They were considered the descendants of the fearsome dragons that once had held dominion over the entire continent. The third race was the smallest in number but they were the most feared, the Devilkin. Though only ruling over a small northern territory, this mysterious race was the most fearsome as they were led by strong and ruthless rulers that called themselves the Devil king. No one knew how many Devil kings there had been, just that the succession was decided by combat. It was not like anyone had tried to find out either, both human and Dragonkin avoided the Devilkin race as much as possible.

Then one day, at a conclave of the three races, it was announced that the fourth Princess of the Dragonkin, Stormfly, would wed the current Devil king to keep the peace between the races. There had been talk of the Devil king preparing troops to invade the other territories and enslave them all, so this arrangement didn't seem to come as a surprise. The fourth Princess was not a happy bride-to-be but a ransom instead.

Many were against this union but even then they did not speak up because the safety of the kingdoms was at risk. Stories were told by the peasants that when Princess Stormfly heard who she was going to wed she blew up, or rather she blew a hole in the castle wall because of her anger.

The Dragonkin Princess was fearsome and just. The story goes that she marched into the throne room after the destruction of the castle wall and demanded where the King got it into his mind to decide who she could marry. Those at court shrank back to avoid any of her ire. Yet in the end there was nothing she could. The marriage would continue, and soon she was being shipped off towards the Devilkin lands for her union.

"This isn't right." One of the knights said from upon the ramparts as he watched the Royal entourage depart.

"What isn't?" The guard next to him asked.

"This!" The Dragonkin now gestured towards the leaving carriages. "How can we stand here and let this happen?"

"It's not like we can do much Toothless." The other replied. "This marriage will stop the invasion. It's for the best."

Toothless gave the other man a glare. Another guard on the other side laughed then. "We all know you have a crush on the Princess. But if the knights did nothing to help Princess Stormfly then do you really think you can make a difference? We're not even knights, just guards."

Toothless blushed crimson behind his helm when someone brought up his very obvious crush on the princess. "Forget it Toothless. She's a princess, you're a guard. Two different worlds." Toothless frowned when he heard that. It was true however, the castle guards were nowhere near the skills of the legion of knights. They were commoners that were employed and Princesses didn't marry commoners. His black tail swished with agitation when another on the ramparts stated "I doubt the princess has anything to be mad about really. This is probably the closest she's been to the throne." A few others laughed at that and Toothless' head whipped in the direction of the one that said that. 'Hold your tongue!" He warned.

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