Loki- Bath

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The hot water was soothing, embracing your body and calming your tense muscles. You had lighted a couple of candles and placed them on the edge of the bathtub, poured yourself a glass of champagne and now relaxed in the middle of slowly vanishing bubbles sparkling on the surface of the water.

Should the rest of the Avengers clean the mess in the living room. You had almost died in battle today, you deserved this enchanting moment of peace all for yourself.

As a young human woman, it wasn't particularly easy to stay alive when it came to missions to save the whole world from monsters and aliens, after all. Compared to Thor with his ridiculous hammer, or Bruce and his ability to turn into a more frightening version of the Grinch, you were nothing more than a girl with a firearms licence.

Still, you weren't entirely useless; on the contrary, you were essential, for your past had taught you way more than your tutors would have ever been able to. You had worked as a hit woman for several years, earning your money by shooting people others wanted to get rid of. You had had your rules and principles and earned yourself respect nonetheless–until one day, you had ended up with the Avengers.

The job as a would-be superhero wasn't particularly less deadly but probably a little less dangerous in terms of trusting one another. Well, there was one exception, of course. A devilish grin formed on your lips when you thought about Thor's brother Loki, the God of Mischief, the Trickster.

He was the one you identified with the most and it utterly amused you that the rest of the Avengers were thoroughly concerned when it came to him and you spending time together. Thor was watching the two of you like a hawk, for he was sure his brother was going to drag you into one of his brilliant master plans to hoodwink the whole Squad at some point.

Shaking your head in an entertained manner, you frowned when you suddenly heard the bathroom door open, the disturbing sound accompanied by dull and silent footsteps.

There was no need to cover yourself, for the foam did a bit of the job on its own. You were considered an attractive and beautiful woman by men all over the world and therefore had nothing to hide when it came to your new friends.

Albeit, you were surprised when you suddenly spotted Loki next to the bathtub, his gaze resting on your body for a little too long before he sought out your eyes.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, my king?" You mocked, the cheeky smile on your lips not quite reaching your eyes.
"Obviously, I intended to clean myself. But I didn't know you were in here. I will come back later." He said calmly, fighting not to take his eyes from your face as he placed both of his hands on the edge of the bathtub.

Funnily, seeing him struggle like this pleased you. There was no doubt the God of Trickery had neglected his sexual needs for a long time while trying to overthrow his brother and rule all of the nine worlds. "Or you could join me."

The inviting words had escaped your lips before you could properly think them through. Oh, but there was no mistake about this. "Or are Asgardian people too afraid of body contact?" Smiling mischievously, you lifted your hand, letting a few drops of the warm water fall onto Loki's hand.

He rose almost immediately, with a cheeky smirk growing on his lips as he removed his long cloak and began undressing himself. "So many people have made the mistake to challenge me. Is your need to join them so desperate?"

A giggle escaped your lips as you rested your chin on the edge of the bathtub, watching him losing clothing piece after clothing piece. "You should lock the door unless you want somebody to surprise us."

Loki nodded before he complied with your suggestion. Meanwhile, you rose from your comfortable position, creating space for the God of Mischief to climb in. Mere seconds after, you felt his presence right behind you, with the water bickering a little at the intruder of the surface.

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