Guardians of The Galaxy- Patronus

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Rocket and Groot were too busy bickering over who stepped on who's robe to notice the horde of Hufflepuffs approaching from around the corner. I was about to warn them, but we had been spotted and were forced to continue walking on down the dark, candlelit hallway. 

Hufflepuffs, though it didn't seem so, were the worst students in 5th year at Hogwarts and liked to remind everyone of this, so four lone Ravenclaws, travelling the halls at dark was easy pickings. "Great." Mumbled Drax as the six Hufflepuffs blocked their passage.

"What's the password?" Asked one, a tall, blonde boy who looked like his best friend was acne. I rolled my eyes and tried to push past, but they wouldn't budge.
"Go fuck yourselves." Grinned Rocket, which wasn't the best response, as two chubby, dark skinned girls made their way to him, wands out , surely about to hex him, but when they were no more than a few feet away, another girl stepped out in front of them.

She had dark, wavy hair that turned pink at the bottom and the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. Her yellow and black tie was hanging loosely by her neck and she had her arm out to hold back the two girls. "Just let them go." She ordered and they hesitated, but looked at each other before continuing on. The girl sighed and took out her wand, it was red and silver and unlike any I'd seen before, which she pointed at them and called out: "Don't. I'm not worried about the consequences of hurling you out of that window." This time they stepped back, obviously they didn't doubt her threat, which made me smirk slightly. "I like her." I whispered to rocket who nodded in agreement. The other Hufflepuffs seemed to listen to her, so sure enough, they let us pass, not forgetting to sneer and hiss at us on our way.

"Goddamn Hufflepuffs don't let you catch a break." Groot huffed as we turned the corner to the room of requirement, where Mantis, a sweet Gryffindor we made friends with 3rd year was waiting for us with her friend, Nebula.
"Hey, Peter!" She yelled and I shushed her.
"Mantis we're not supposed to be here, remember! What if a Slytherin had passed us?" She looked down and apologised. "Don't worry, let's just hurry up before we're caught." I rushed and knocked on the door.

Once we were inside, we were thanked by the one and only Harry Potter, thanking us for joining the order and welcoming us into the room. There were others there too, older students like Fred and George Weasley, famous for their pranks they play on all the professors each year and others from our year, Harry's friends, Ron and Hermione and a few younger years who I couldn't name. It was all exciting, but the atmosphere was tense and gloomy and students were still struggling to find a smile in the life Umbridge had created.

Suddenly, Harry ordered us into two lines and to stand in front of a Knight-like statue with a white circle painted across the chest. None of us questioned it and we did as he asked, just as the door burst open and in stormed a familiar flash of black and pink hair. "Gamora! Glad you could make it!" Smiled Hermione and she beckoned her over. The girl, Gamora caught my eye on her way past as she shuffled her way into the line so Harry could continue.

We all knew why we were here and so Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor in our year, didn't question when harry motioned towards the statue. He gulped and flicked his wand forward only to find it in the opposite direction, nearly smacking a first year. "Bloody hell." Sighed Drax from behind me "He can't ev-" he was interrupted by Harry shouting "EXPELLIARMUS." And flicking the statue's wand out of its hand. I rolled my eyes and thought 'show off'.

The same thing happened the first few times the order met: someone fucked up and Harry showed how well he could do it. It was getting almost too irritating, until one meeting, after I was getting bored of expelling Drax's wand from his hand countless times, Harry changed the plan. We were to attempt the patronus charm, one of the hardest spells to cast and I couldn't wait.

I barely heard Harry explaining it, all I could think of was what could mine be? What form will it take? I almost missed Harry ask for us to give it a try I was so excited, but the faint flashes of blue from the corner of my eye drew my focus back to reality just in time to see a luminescent blue rabbit emerge from Rocket's wand. "What's this shit?" He gasped. "I'm a fucking rabbit. No don't laugh Groot at least it's not a fucking stick insect like yours." I choked back laughter and focused on my own wand.

'Happiest memory, come on.' I thought and remembered when my mother had taken me to the zoo, before she got sick 'this'll do'. "Expecto patronum!" I said but not even a spark came out.
"You can do this, Peter, keep trying." Encouraged Harry but it was only distracting me. I changed the memory and thought of when my adoptive dad, Yondu first introduced me to magic.
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I yelled this time and in swishes and swirls of glowing light, came a...dragon. It swooped through the room, flapping its wings proudly before landing in the middle of the room and breathing fire from its mouth. Everyone had stopped and was staring at me, gobsmacked, but nowhere near as shocked as I was.

Harry just stared wide-eyed and slightly jealous at my patronus that was fading every second with my lack of focus, my attention was on everyone else. "Peter that is..." Started Mantis, but she couldn't find the right words. One by one, everyone began clapping and thumping me on the back, congratulating me, cheering, everyone was smiling, everyone was laughing, and in that moment , everyone forgot about the reason we were here, everyone forgot that the second we left the room, we wouldn't smile again until the next meeting. Everyone was happy and this would be the memory to form many of our patronuses for years to come after this, because we discovered that no matter how small, the happiest moments are found at the saddest of times.

I only included a few characters patronuses but comment here what you think other characters patronuses would be.

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