Catching up

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Ryou's POV

I kiss Bakura and disappear into the shadows. Bakura isn't the only one who seeks comfort in the shadows. I think as I grin. I run after my friends who were on there way to the garden.... The garden is we're we spend most of are time together. There is one special place, between flowers with spikes, branches and leaves, that is we're you find a beautiful waterfall. There is only one flower who blooms only ones a year. We called it Hikari as in light. He got this name because what it did. This is the flower that brought are group together in the first place.

Flashback ( there like 6/7)

I run away from the guards, I got caught when I stole a bread for my mother. She is ill and there isn't anyone to care for her except me. As I run I bump into someone, a boy with brown eyes and blond hair. He looks at me and than at my bread. He looks behind me and sees the guards closing in. "If you love your life, follow me!" He says as he runs away. I don't really have a choice as I run after him. We just run straight forward when I randomly went left. I followed but the guards didn't. "Hi I'm Jonouchi, but call me Jono!" The blond says as he stands before me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Jono!!" I hear a soft voice call out from a a few blankets on the ground. "Hi sis I'm back.. I even brought a friend!" Jono says as he sits beside his sister. "Hi, I'm Ryou..." I say.. I stop when i see her face. She has the same illness as my mother... "Jono? Can I speak with you for a moment" I say as I make a little bow. "Yeah sure Ryou!!" He says as we walk away from his sister. "You have to give her in... you know that right?" I say with a straight face. "I know.. she is going to be picked up tomorrow." All the people who have this extremely rare disease are brought to the hospital behind the castle. You can't visited so that's why people refuse to go. "Here" I say as I give him my bread "You need it more than I do." "Thank you Ryou.." Jono says. "Ryou? Can i take you somewhere??" "Sure, where do you wane go??" He smiles at He calls to his sister that he is going again. He takes my hand as we run towards the forest.

While we're running, we see a market man kicking a boy. "Please father!!! Stop!!!" Owh my Ra... "He didn't have anything!! I only wanted to help!!" The boy says. Me and Jono look at each other as we both ran towards the boy. I take the boy as Jono pushes the father of him. With the boy by his hand, we run away again. "Thnx" the boy says "I'm Ishtar, Malik Ishtar!" He says in a sing-a-song voice. "Nice to meet u Malik, my name is Jonouchi, the albino who is holding you're hand is Ryou!" Jono says. "Thank you again, may the god be with us." Malik says with a smile.

Time skip

We're walking towards a beautiful waterfall. "Wow!! It's beautiful here!!" Me and Malik say at the same time. "Who is there!!!" We hear a voice coming behind some vines. "Don't lose you're cool Heb!! It only me with some friends!!" Jono says walking towards the vines and pulling out a boy with a strange haircut. "Hello I'm Malik!!" Malik says, walking toward him and shaking his hand, awkwardly. The boy smiles as he shakes back. "Hi I'm Heba!! Welcome in pure cave of wonders!!" Heba says with a goofy smile. "Nice to meet you Heba, I'm Ryou." I say saving Heba from Malik.

"Wow!!! Heb it's time!!!" Jono calls from a distance. I look at Heba as his smile turns into a grin. "Well come on!! Don't stand here!! We have to see it bloom!!" We follow Heba to a beautiful flower that just started to bloom. Beautiful light comes from the paddles as they open up for us to see and amaze. I feel much more relaxed and happier, just because of this flower. "You know if it wasn't for this flower, we never met." Jono says as he grins. "Hahahaha he brought some light in our life's!" Malik jokes. "That what were going to call it!! Hikari!! As in light!!" Heba says happy!! "I don't know about you guys, but I like you all" I say looking at my new found friends. "Me to!" They say at the same time.

Flashback ends

"I love that flower to." Yugi says standing in front of me. "Yugi!" I say as I take a step back. "You really have to stop grabbing you're necklace if you're going to have a flashback!" Malik says giving me a hug. "Again??! Owh my Ra.. sorry" I say smiling. "It's okay bud, kinda liked it, it was a long time ago that I heard that stor..." Joey says before he was interrupted by a big explosion. "Heba.... Ryou... I'm coming for you!!" I hear someone say my name. I quickly take Bakura's dagger out my belt (I stole it from him while I gave him a kiss, I knew something was going to happen). "What do you want Bitch!" Malik yells, standing in a defensive position. "I want my revenge on the two Hikari's!!!" She yells. "Well you got four for the price off two!" Joey yells. "Bakura... we're are you!!

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