Chapter 3: Family!

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Do you have family? Do you not have family? It doesn't bother me if your adopted or a different race, or anything. You have/had a family. We all have family, foster, adopted, step, or biological.

Do you have family issues? I do! :/ It's so annoying. I live with my mother, her husband, and my two younger half sisters. Now, i don't go saying half sisters until im mad at them, which this doesnt come up to to much. Oh, the getting mad....YES i get mad at them alot, but the half sister term doesn't get mentioned much. We dont say we love each other, and i pick on them alot, but i feel i have an unspoken feeling of love towards them.

I would jump in front of a bullet for them. I would beat someone for them, even if i KNEW i would get hurt myself. I would do anything for my sisters. I love them dearly, but we fight most all day long.

Now my mother's husband...that's another story. I don't like him a wink! He annoys me sooooooo much. He complains about everything! He walks in the door and not 30 minutes later (or sooner) he's complaining about how a dish wasn't dried. Or that the hair he shaved off from his head earlier that morning wasn't cleaned up!

Now i just wanna smack him and tell him to do it himself. If he would just do it and not complain we wouldnt argue. I wonder if he has ever heard the saying, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." I just wanna say that, but the times i try to state what i think, i get shut down. He thinks that going to church is a privlege. UGH, he picks fights and calls my sisters (and me) bad names.

Larry, is so mean. Most of the fighting in the house is between him and me. He believes everything he does is right, thathe never lies, and that he should get everything he wants all the time. He ignores people when they say something to him but you take ten seconds before answering and he yells at you. Even my mom.

So situations like that, you need self-control. I dont have much of that. Im still working on it. And ill be honest, its sooooo freaking hard its not even funny. And me being the oldest child in my house, i have to be the examaple to my sisters. Its hard when my youngest sister is not only more responsible, more well-behaved(when mom and larry are least for the most part) but she is smarter than me.

My mom tells me all the time. Your sister will graduate before you. Why do you hve to ask your younger sister how to spell that. Or ill askhow to spell zomething and she'll look at me and say really???? You seriously cant spell that??? Now im 17 and my youngest sis is 13 i understand thats stupid that she knowsmore. But that doesnt make me stupid. That doesnt make her better. That doesnt mean you can rub it in my face that my younger sister is smarter!!!!!

This famiky stuff just doesnt make since to me. Why do some people have families that bring us down?????? Some people live in abusive houses. Why??? My moms husband hits me. He says its cause i give him attitude. I dont care if i cuss you out in 100 different languages with sass on your birthday. You have no right to hit, or put your hands on me in anyway....... no one should put their hands on you to harm you in any way. You tells the police immediately!! If you dont like cops tell a friend, tell a boyfriend or girlfriend... i told my youth pastor. I told a lady at church, and the neighbors acroos the street, well theybsaw an arguement go down outside. It wasnt pretty.

But this is just famiky things. Some famlies are actually like this. Some are like this next one.

Some famlies are so close that they tell each other everything.They have a weekly game night or daily. They take one day a week to go out somewhere. Have an girls days, and a guys day out. These kids are best friends with their family! I want that when i have kids. It might not be cool and no one but my kids and husband would need to know. I wont embarrass my kids wen they are with their friends. You knkw its the perfect life right??

Not for evryone. Life sucks right??? But with God everything is better. Today i watched a video. This guy had a BLACK, like pitch black bottle. I dont know that he had in it. But it was a clear gatorade bottle of black stuff. He said that it was life, gross blackness in your life. And he stuck it in the sink under the faucet. He turned it on and said. The faucet was prayer. The clear water was prayer. (Black-blackness in your life... Clear faucet water-prayer) and he ran that clear water through that blackness and stated "if you pray daily it shows you trust God. You want to talk to Him you want Him in your life. He grabbed th bottle still black and said, but if you stop your life is still black. You need that pure waterr consently. Even when your life is going good. Befause this is a black world. If you dont pray daily you lose a day of pure water.

Ill be honest i dont pray everyday. I hardly pray. I wish i prayed more, but the times i set for myself everyday is a lot!i have an hour of prayer and an hour of Bible reading. Now i dont know about you but thats alot. So start with like five minutes. Whether thats five minutes each or five minutes to do both. I persnally pray forever. Like if i dont stop myself ill pray for two hours. But reading is harder for me to do.

But lets pray for families. Not just today but everyday. Cause i know my famiky needs daily prayer so others diffently do. Ima go guys thanks for reading my book. Sorry its been so long since i have done this. Things are crazy lately. Ima try alot more!!! Thanks for sticking with me. Love yall!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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