Chapter 7

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We had all made it back to the Library safely and were sitting back in our original seats waiting.... "So you and Bender, huh?" I look up and see Brian staring at me from his seat across from me. I blushed and smiled shyly thinking back to the kiss, but just shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, maybe." Brian gave me a kind smile, "Just be careful, Bender doesn't really seem like a one girl kind of guy." I opened my mouth to reply when the library door opened and John walked in with Vernon behind him. "Get your stuff, let's go!" Vernon says pushing John, then tells the rest of us, "Mr. Wise guy here has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day." John came over and sat back in his seat beside me, throwing his arm around my shoulders. "B-O-O H-O-O" Vernon looked over at him and frowned angrily, "Everything's a big joke, huh Bender? The false alarm you pulled, Friday, false alarms are really funny, aren't they...What if your home, what if your family..." a beat "...what if your dope was on fire?" John looked up at Vernon and smirked, "Impossible, Sir, It's in Johnson's underwear." My shoulders shake as I try to hold in my laughter at that and at Brian's face. I look back towards the frond and see Andrew laugh as well Vernon looks over at me, and then back at Andrew, "You think he's funny? You think this is cute? You think he's bitchin', is that it? Let me tell you something. Look at him, he's a bum." Looking back at me he continues, "You wanna see something funny? You go visit John Bender in five years! You'll see how freaking funny he is!" Walking over to our table he bends down at gets in John's face, "What's the matter, John? You gonna cry? Let's go..." He grabs John's arm and tries to pull him out of his seat. John yanked his arm away and stands up, "Hey keep your fucking hands off me! I expect better manners from you, Dick." He turns around and bends over so he's right in my face, leaning forwards his places a kiss on my cheek and whispers, "We got a lot to talk about when I get back." John pulls back and smirks at me. Turning to leave, John takes his sunglasses out of his pocket and lays them in front of Andrew. "For better hallway vision." As he walks by the front desk John makes sure to push almost everything over on the way out. Vernon following close behind him.


We were all just sitting around bored and talking to one another, Clair was sitting on top f Brian's desk talking to him and, I was sitting in her chair beside Andrew, John's glasses on top of my head. Andrew looks over at me and asks, "So are you and Bender like a thing now?" I look back at him and shrug my shoulder, "I don't know, I guess, maybe... He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything, but John doesn't really look like the type of guy who asks." I say with a quiet chuckle Andrew nods his head with a smile, "Yeah, He..." "Shhh, did you hear that?" I ask him, sure I had heard something Andrew listens for a minute and starts to shake his head when we all hear a crash, "Oh Shit!" We all hear John yell as he comes through the roof. He comes walking down the stairs and sees us all looking at him, "What? I forgot my pencil." Walking over to our desk he picks the pencil up and turns to look at me, he opens his mouth to say something when we hall hear Vernon cussing in the hallway, coming towards the library. John dives under the desk me and Andrew are sitting at just as the door is opened and Vernon walks in. "What was that ruckus?" "Uh, what ruckus?" Andrew asked trying to play it cool "I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus!" Vernon scowls at us "Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" Brian asked him Vernon points at Brian and tells him, "Watch your tongue young man, watch it!" I can feel John moving around under the table by my legs. Then there's a bang from under our table and John groans. Above the table Andrew and I try to take credit for the noise by making more of it. "What is that? What, what is that, what is that noise?" Vernon demands "What noise?" Andrew asks"Really sir there wasn't any noise." Claire said from behind us All of the sudden I feel a hand crawling up my leg, stopping just above my panties and I suddenly really wish I had not worn a dress. I can feel John kissing his way up my leg and I've lost all interest in the conversation going on around me. I feel him breathing on my upper thigh, when he suddenly stops and groans again. I can feel Andrew's foot kicking him under the table and to cover up the noise we al start coughing. Flustered I ask Vernon, "That noise? Was that the noise you were talking about?" Aggravated that none of us were giving him a straight answer, he says "No, it wasn't. That was not the noise I was talking about. Now, I may not have caught you in the act this time, but you can bet I will." Behind me I hear Allison laugh and Vernon point at her, "You make book on that missy!"Then he points at me, "And you, I will not be made a fool of!" When he turned to walks away, we all saw that he had a toilet seat cover stuck to his pants. After Vernon leaves, we all started laughing at Vernon. I pulled my chair back to let John out, and when he is out and standing beside the table he rubs his ribs and glares at Andrew, "What the hell, sporto?" Andrew glares back at him, "I know what you were doing under the table, you asshole." John looks over at me and smirks when he sees my beat red face, then looks back at Andrew, "Nevena didn't seem to mind, so sue me." John moves away from the table and walks over to Brian, "So, Ahab, Kybo Mein Doobage." Brian reaches down and unzips his pants, pulls the weed out and hands it to John. Bender takes it from him and looks over at me, jerking his head for me to follow him then walks away. I just look at him then look back at Brian who is also staring after him. "Yo waistoid, you're not gonna blaze up in here!" Andrew yells at him We are shocked when Claire gets up and follows after him. Then Brian follows after her. Andrew and I look at each other then Andrew mutters, "Shit." Before getting up and following after them. I just sit there, shocked at how fast they all just gave in to peer pressure. Shaking my head I get up and begin walking over to Allison, the only other one still here, When John is suddenly standing in front of me. We stare at each other for a minute, and then before I know what's happening I'm flipped upside down, thrown over John's shoulder and were walking off back to where the others are."John, put me the fuck down!" I yell at him, slapping his back. I can hear John and the others laughing at me.

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