Chapter 39

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The next morning I woke up feeling better than I've ever felt since college started. It seemed that I had recovery all my energy and I was ready to go to classes. And since the first one was Digital Image Management with Ms. Lancaster I would need all of it.

Yesterday when I arrived past 1 am I was surprised Rue didn't interrogate me at all and nor did today. The only thing she did was asking me about the bandage on my left wrist. I told her I got a tattoo and she got pretty excited and then mad because I hadn't invited her. But that was pretty much it.

As always I was the first to arrived to class and sat at the back. Since I still had time before the class started I decided to have the breakfast I had put on my bag before leaving this morning.

A few minutes later when I finished eating, I pulled out my journal and started drawing. I didn't notice it was almost time for the start of the class until I heard the students arrived and sitting on their chairs. I looked up and met a smiling Zayn offering me a rose.

"Good morning, babe." He greeted me.

"Zayn." I said, smiling and accepting the rose. I stood up and without even thinking I hugged him. "I'm so sorry about the bonfire. Something happened and I-I tried to look for you after but..."

"Sh, don't worry." He hushed me. "I'm the one who owes you an apology, once again."

I broke the hug and looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"You'll see... Shit, this is embarrassing." Zayn began saying. "Well... I-uhm I passed out."

"You what?" I asked astonished.

"When we we're at the woods and I left you alone... Someone attacked me. I don't know how to describe it and even if I did you'd probably think I'm crazy." My model-looking classmate said with a confused expression on his face. "The next thing I remember was waking up on my room feeling drained and dazed. I saw your text and I really meant to call or text you back but I was too ashamed, I don't know. I'm really sorry, babe."

"Seems like the two of us had bad experiences at the woods." I laughed bitterly.

"Why do you say that? Did something happen to you?" I felt his hand cupping my cheek and caressing it. I shook my head. I really didn't want to talk about it, the only thing I wanted was to forget.

"Good morning everyone." Ms. Lancaster said as she entering the room. 

I smiled at Zayn and sit again on my chair. He smiled back at me and then sat behind me. I looked to the empty sit next to me. Cam, where are you? This wasn't like him, he never arrives late. Oh God, what if he and Harry got on a fight again? No, no, no. There's no reason to think that. Maybe he had fallen asleep or his alarm didn't go off. He's going to arrive in any minute but... Oh, Ms. Lancaster won't be happy.

And just as I predicted, I saw my handsome friend entering the room panting along with Niall. 

"I'm glad you decided to honour us with your presence, Mr. Danzig and Mr. Horan." The teacher said, glaring at them.

I bit my lip as I witnessing the scene. Poor guys, I really feel bad for them.

"I'm really sorry Ms. Lanca-" Cam began saying but was soon cut off by the teacher.

"Save it."

"Ms. Lancaster." Niall said solemnly. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "My sincere apologies for this horrendous disrespect my classmate and I have done. Arriving late for class has no excuse, whatsoever I give you my word that it won't happen again."

Ms. Lancaster stayed in silence for a few seconds but seemed fluttered and pleased with Niall's formal apology. She then made them sit down so we could continue the class.

Niall gave me a smiled as he made his way to where Zayn was sitting. I gave him a discrete approval gesture for his nice trick to get rid off the punishment he and Cam would’ve gotten for arriving late. He really has the gift of speech.

"Hi." Cam said, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Where were you?" I whispered. "I was getting worried."

"I was just studying for the DIM test we have this week and I didn't notice what time it was." He whispered. "You were worried about me?"

I hit him on his shoulder and shook my head. I was glad it had been that and not something else. 

The class went by pretty fast and soon we were walking to the classroom where we had Mr. Aguilera's class. Cam and I joked around all the way there. He even took the rose Zayn had given me and started imitating one of those tango dancers.

"Give me the rose back, you dork!" I said between laughs. 

"I know you like my moves. You can't resist them." Cam approached me doing a shimmy. I burst into laughter and tried to stop him.

"Ok, ok. Whatever you say, professional dancer." I rolled my eyes at him and laughed again.

We entered the classroom and sat in our usual seats. I could see Cam sitting across the room with his partner and still doing the shimmies for me and I couldn't stop laughing. I mouthed a 'stop it' and of course he didn't listen. But suddenly something caught my attention and my eyes landed on a familiar tall curly haired guy that was walking towards me. "Morning, baby." He said, placing a kiss on my cheek. I was taken aback by his unusual and friendly greeting. Harry had never kissed me in public.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked worried.

"Perfectly fine." Harry said smiling widely and taking a sit next to me. His eyes landed on the rose that was on my desk. He grabbed it and began to exanimate it. "Who gave you this?"

"No one." I rushed to say. "I took it out of a bush."

"You're a terrible liar, Raiza." The curly haired boy said laughing. "Who was it? Was that boring guy named Patch?"

I looked at him confused and not sure about who he was referring to. Until I realised he was talking about Cam. "First of all, his name is not 'Patch'. It's Cam. And I told you no one gave it to me."

"Hey babe, you didn't tell me if you liked the rose I gave you." I heard Zayn's voice behind me. My eyes widened when I saw Harry's face when he knew who had given me the rose.

"You did what?" Harry said, raising his voice. Zayn completely ignored him and took a lock of my hair and placed it behind my ear. Then I saw how Harry grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and lifted him up. The model-looking guy didn't even show any fear, instead he was smirking. 

"Harry." I whispered. I grabbed his hand and looked straight at him. He had his eyes locked on Zayn but I knew he was listening. "Please don't do anything you can regret afterwards. Mr. Aguilera is soon to arrive. Please for once listen to me."

I was surprised when I felt Harry's muscles relaxed and then seeing Zayn released. And seconds later we heard Mr. Aguilera coming through the door and greeting us.

"Next time you won't be so lucky, bastard." I heard Harry whispering to Zayn. I looked at him and squeezed his hand. He looked at me and let out a deep sigh. "Don't say a word." He said.

I smiled and sat down. I knew he was half-mad at me because I didn't let him punch Zayn but I was happy he had listened to me. I turned my head to look at the front and paid attention but soon something distracted me and my eyes landed on Niall. He was smiling at me and pointing at the floor. I looked down and there was a piece of paper. I grabbed it and looked at him confused. He mouthed an 'open it' and then looked to the front.

I slowly opened it, making sure no one was watching me.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." 

That was Martin Luther King's quote. Why did Niall write this to me?

"There's goodness in you and that's what he needs to be saved." Those words that Niall had said to me once again echoed in my mind. 

Was that what he meant?

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