Chapter 43

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Yesterday Harry stayed with me until the time Rue was supposed to come back to avoid any confrontation between them. We finished watching the movie I had started before he arrived and then we ended up talking about art and literature, for some reason. 

I didn't know Harry liked those type of things, and never would have thought he did. I found it surprising and really appealing. He was a box full of surprises. And well, it was good to know that there was something else behind the bad boy/cocky guy attitude.

Ms. Lancaster snapped me out of my thoughts when she announced that the class will be dismissed earlier due to personal reasons therefore we were free to go now. 

Cam and I looked at each other and smiled. We gathered our things and left the classroom

'Meet me at the East parking lot at 11:30.
H. x'

At 11:30? For what?

'FYI we have classes at that time. Do you remember your teacher, Mr. Aguilera?'

'Mmm... No, doesn't ring a bell ;) I'll be waiting for you, angel.
H. x'

I regret giving him my number when he asked me yesterday. Why, why did I give it to him!?

"Raiza, is there something wrong?" Cam asked me. I shook my head and smiled. "So what do you want to do while we wait till our next class? We still have like half an hour left."

Half an hour left? Mmm... That's enough time, I thought to myself. "I'm going to take care of something and I'll see you in class, ok?"

"Do you want me to go with you?" My friend smiled at me.

"No, don't worry! It won't take long, I promise." I gave him a hugged and a little kiss on the cheek. "See you in class, Cam!" I waved him off as I walked away.

The East parking lot wasn't too far from the building were my classes were held so when I got there to tell him what I needed to stay I would still have time to go back and arrived on time to my 'Photography theory and practice' class. As I walked in the parking lot I spotted Harry sat on his motorcycle a few meters away.

"Glad to see you're here, angel." He said lowering his sunglasses as I got closer. "Here, put the helmet on."

"I'm not going with you, Harry." I said, rejecting the helmet that he had handed me.

"Then why did you come?"

"I came to tell you that. I have classes to attend to and that's something important to me, unlike you."

"You're lying." He stated. "If you would've wanted to go to class you would have just gone and wouldn't have taken the time to come here to tell me this. You knew from the moment you read my text that you wouldn't go to class."

I remained still and didn't move an inch, watching him say those words. I could keep saying things to fight him back but deep down inside I knew he was right. 

"Come on angel, put the helmet on." He said handing it to me once again. "Besides, we're partners on that assignment where doing on that old man's class. If I don't go, what are you suppose to do? It's better for you to go with me." Harry winked at me and with one quick movement he pulled me closer to him. His hands were on my waist and they slowly began to go under my shirt.

"Harry!" I said stepping back. I felt my cheeks grew warm. He began laughing, which made me blush even more. So I decided to put the helmet on and hop on for once and for all.

"Good girl. Just how I like you." He said before starting the motorcycle up. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back. I remembered the way Harry's body stiffed the first time I hopped on his motorcycle, but then relaxed when he got used to my touch. I still wonder why he reacted like that.

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