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"Damn, Eds. That excited to see me?" Richie smirked as Eddie opened his window eagerly, hoisting his friend up from the side of the house. Eddie shook his head disapprovingly, but the evident grin tugging at his lips made it clear he wasn't opposing his words.

Richie climbed through the window swiftly, it's ledge something he's kept a consistent relationship with since the beginning of his and Eddie's friendship. He made it into the bedroom with more success than he had his own during his previous cigarette break, landing on two feet and extending his long legs to reveal a lanky frame.

"Hey 'Chee," Eddie smiled, pulling his friend into a tight hug. Richie melted into the touch, resting his chin on the smaller boy's soft curls and breathing in his scent that somehow always fluctuated between vanilla and lavender.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Richie questioned, putting up a facade in an attempt to make it seem that this affection wasn't the cause of his increasing heart rate. Eddie hummed in response, pulling away from Richie and lying on his bed.

"Lay with me," He said, motioning for the standing boy to mimic his movements. Richie obliged, moving next to Eddie and wrapping an arm around him, delicately pulling the boy closer. He sunk into Richie's side, tiny hands lightly gripping at the fabric of his t-shirt. Richie shut his eyes and smiled, securing the moment into his memory before he spoke.

"Eddie," He sighed, causing the smaller boy to look up at him through thick lashes.

"What the fuck are you going to do about Nan-" Richie began, but was quickly cut off by Eddie's pointer finger.

"Not right now," He responded sadly, kissing Richie's cheek and returning to his original position. The taller boy nodded, leaning his head against Eddie's bed frame before closing his eyes again, beginning to hum the tune of a song in which he only knew the chorus. Eddie began to sob quietly, and that was the only indication Richie needed to know not to press the issue any further.

Instead, he sunk down until he was face to face with Eddie and moved his hand behind the boy's head, gently playing with his curls as he continued to sing softly. He traced the pointer finger of his free hand down the bridge of Eddie's nose, stopping at the tip before moving to his cheek. Richie stroked it with his thumb slightly, outlining his jaw before tugging at his bottom lip.

Eddie's eyes remained fixated on the other boy's sharp features, studying every freckle that marked his beautifully pale face. Something about how Richie was so effortlessly pretty amazed Eddie. He knew any compliments he gave him would be shot down immediately, in a comedic form that Richie often turned to for comfort. Eddie was always amused by his friend's unconventional sense of humor, though he would never show it. Despite this, he couldn't help but feel sad knowing its' underlying meaning.

"You wanna tell me what's bothering you, Eddie?" Richie cooed softly, breaking the comfortable silence that filled the room. He carefully tucked a curl behind the boy's ear, letting his hand linger on the side of his face. Eddie sighed, moving his hands to play with the hem of Richie's shirt.

"Things have been even shittier than usual. My doctor put me on another prescription that he claims is 'vital to my health' but I know it was only to get my mom to shut up. Nancy is pressuring me to meet her parents who I couldn't care less about. I feel so stuck, Richie. You and the losers seem to be the only consistent thing in my life right now," Eddie rambled as the other boy listened attentively, nodding every so often to show he was keeping up. Staying focused was often hard for Richie, but it was something he put extra effort into when talking to Eddie because he knew it let him know what he said was important.

"Your mom is so fucked," Richie responded bluntly, "How could someone be so goddamn asinine?" He went on, rising anger evident in his voice. Despite his frustration, Richie worked to maintain his composure for Eddie.

"Nancy's parents, though? I thought you were, uh, I thought you were breaking up with her?" He added, his words coming out as more of a question than a claim. Richie knew that Eddie's relationship with his girlfriend was a sensitive subject for him, and he had been patient for a long time.

Eddie insisted that she was only around to please his mother, a way to deter her from thinking he was gay. He assured Richie they would be together for three weeks tops, but the boy was rudely reminded that checkpoint had passed when Eddie canceled their ritual movie night for Nancy and his' two month anniversary date.

"I thought so too, Rich. But I'm really scared," Eddie started, avoiding eye contact with the other boy. Richie put a hand on Eddie's waist and began tracing circles onto his hip, encouraging him to go on.

"I mean, what does her and I's breakup mean for us?" He continued, returning his gaze to Richie. The two stayed silent for several moments. Eddie reached forward, gently removing a stray eyelash that had fallen onto Richie's cheek, and held it out in front of him. He closed his eyes and blew softly, wishing for the sweet boy in front of him.

"What do you want it to mean?" Richie finally spoke, afraid to answer the question himself. He never felt sure enough despite Eddie's constant reassurances, and didn't want to set himself up for disappointment. While rejection was something Richie had gotten used to over time, he knew hearing it come from the boy he grew so fond of would hold no comparison to how it sounded out of his parents' mouths. He felt as though the ball should always be in Eddie's field when it came to the status of their relationship, that he needed to make him feel welcome to opt out at any point.

"I don't know."

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