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"What the hell is this, 'Chee? When did you make this tape?" Eddie questioned, reaching for the clear case labeled 'SONOROUS' sitting on the dashboard of Richie's pickup. He flipped it around, trailing his finger down the list of songs inked onto the back with blue Sharpie.

"This is rock n' roll, baby. Fucking indie garage band shit," Richie responded enthusiastically, hooking an arm around Eddie's waist and pulling him closer. He leaned down and kissed the smaller boy's cheek softly, neglecting the burning cigarette dangling lazily from his fingertips. Eddie blushed shyly, shifting his body to rest comfortably against Richie's side. The taller boy smiled to himself with contentment, tapping the unnamed song's melody against the steering wheel. He took one final drag from his cigarette before tossing it out the window, turning up the volume and tightening his grip around Eddie's waist.

The two sat in a comfortable silence as they drove down the empty road, the only sound coming from the mixtape pouring out of Richie's muffled speakers. Eddie closed his eyes and hummed quietly as the taller boy moved his arm up and began running thin fingers through his soft hair, twisting individual curls before releasing them back to their spot on top of Eddie's head. Richie took a left and pulled over once they neared the quarry, parking in the patch of dirt that stood at the edge of the cliff.

"We're here, Eds," He grinned, removing his arm from behind the boy and pulling his keys out of the ignition. Eddie didn't respond, his muted breathing made apparent by the lack of music filling the truck. Richie smiled softly, shifting his body to be met with a sleeping boy fixed to his side. He leaned down and kissed Eddie's temple sweetly, moving to his ear and whispering quietly.

"Edsssss. Wake up! We're here," Richie repeated, shaking the small boy gently. Eddie's eyes fluttered open slowly, focusing on the figure just centimeters from his face. He yawned daintily, pressing his left cheek against the seat of the car.

"Mornin', sweetheart. Why don't ya lend me a hand and help unload the truck," Richie said with a toothy grin, a tinge of his poorly done British accent shining through his words. He jumped out of the pickup, holding the driver's side door open for Eddie to do the same. They made their way to the back of the vehicle and began emptying its' bed, making sure to only take the essentials: a striped lounge chair, firewood, the softest blanket Eddie could find, pillows, and Richie's boombox as well as an assortment of mixtapes to go along with it. The two boys hauled everything to their usual spot, the one they insisted had the best view of the stars, and set up their camp.


"How do you turn this thing on, 'Chee?" Eddie asked, fiddling with the large stereo in front of him. Richie stood up from his spot next to the freshly made fire, striking a match to his cigarette before shaking off the flame and throwing the stick in with the rest of the burning wood. He kneeled down next to Eddie, taking the 'LIMERENCE' mix from his hands and popping open the front of the box.

"Just like this, Eds," Richie replied, sliding the tape into its' respective slot. He rewinded it carefully before turning the knob on the volume, revealing "Secret Lovers" as the first track. Richie laid onto his back, taking a long drag from his cigarette and blowing its' smoke towards the stars. Eddie followed suit, inching over to the taller boy until their shoulders touched. His hands remained fixed at his sides as he took in the opening lyrics:

Here we are,
the two of us together
Takin' this crazy chance,
to be all alone.

"Atlantic Starr, so fucking under appreciated," Richie said, flicking his ashes away from Eddie. He knew how much smoking bothered him, particularly his habits, and it often made Richie feel guilty for letting him down.

We both know,
that we should not be together
'Cause if we're found out,
it could mess up both our happy homes.

"You say that about every band, Rich," Eddie responded, giggling slightly. He always admired Richie's fascination with music, how he was able to find some sort of enjoyment in every genre. Eddie perceived it as another way he always found the best in everything, everyone. Despite the countless times Richie had been failed by others, he didn't have it in his heart to give up on them. His careless demeanor was merely a facade, and Eddie saw right through it.

"Damn right," He smirked, moving to face the boy next to him. As if on queue, Eddie turned his head to be met with Richie's gaze. They stared at one another intently, as if trying to see through each other and find out if the same thought was on both of their minds. Eddie looked down at Richie's lips longingly before making eye contact again, moving his hand to rest on the other boy's hip.

"You're really pretty, 'Chee," Eddie said in an almost whisper, as if it was for his ears only. His hand made its' way to Richie's cheek, cupping it gently. Eddie leaned in and connected their lips softly, pulling away slowly before kissing him again. Richie threw the cigarette that rested between his fingertips behind himself with haste, moving to get on top of Eddie eagerly. He deepened the kiss before breaking it delicately, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty that laid before him. Richie pressed his lips to Eddie's neck softly before making his way back to the boy's mouth, reconnecting it with his own passionately. Eddie draped one arm over Richie's waist and reached for his hand with the other, intertwining their fingers and squeezing softly as a means of reassurance.

Secret lovers yeah,
that's what we are
We shouldn't be together,
but we can't let go, no, no
'Cause we love each other so,
Ooh ooh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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