Why This, Why Now?

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    I walked over to Emma's room. I walked into the room and the door slammed shut. Soundproof sealing and locked. A tad bit unnerving The room was dark, except for a corner on Emma's raised bed where she was sitting with her laptop light illuminating her face. I saw a tear crawling down her face. What?

    "What?" I asked.

    "You knew. YOU KNEW AND YOU STILL LET HIM IN!" She yelled. Her screaming was so loud that I don't think the soundproofing helped. All of this screaming and she was coming closer to me. Now I am honestly scared

    "Jeez, what's your beef with this dude?" I asked. The stayed silent. I couldn't see her expression but I could guess that it wasn't good. A few more tears streamed down her face. She put her head on my shoulder and began crying. I was honestly confused. Girls. I never get why there are like this. One second they want to blackmail you, the next they are crying on your shoulder. I hugged her. She needed it. She pushed herself away and I left. Peter looked at me with a tell-me-what-happened sort of look. I just gave him a confused look and a shrug and walked into my room.

     I walked out of my room and cooked dinner. I tossed a pizza in the oven because I was too tired to actually cook. When we sat down for dinner. Peter kept silently asking me questions. Look questions like a what-happened look and are-you-lying look. We kept exchanging looks. If Emma, Andromeda, and Danielle noticed this silent conversation, they clearly didn't show it, because they were on their phones. Evan caught on to our silent conversation and clearly was amused and he tried to choke back his laughter. And food. Then it turned into a stare down. Evan's eyes darted back and forth, looking at us. Peter eventually won. Now I know that he will interrogate me. Everything is slowly sort of crumbling. Well, my relationship with Emma is sort of fixed, I guess? Evan is neutral, and Peter is for sure targeting me.

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