Relationship Revealed (Roman Burki)

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"I think we should tell him." You had just been about to doze off and enter the land of dreams, comforted by the warmth of Roman's body next to you in the bed when his words brought you back to the real world.

His words both shocked you, but at the same time it was to be expected. He had talked to you about this before. The 'him' that Roman was referring to was your older brother, Marco Reus. For a while now, Roman had been trying to convince you to tell your brother about your relationship with him. The two of you had been together three years, since he first joined at Borussia Dortmund, and he thought it was time to come clean to your brother. You, on the other hand were hesitant.

"He's going to react badly. He's never reacted well to someone that I've dated. You guy have to work together, I don't want things to be tense between you two."

Ever since you were young, Marco and you had always been really close. Growing up, he hadn't just been your brother, he was your best friend. However, the only downside to your relationship with your brother, in your opinion, was the fact that he was very over protective. He had never approved of a single boyfriend that you had ever had, going so far as to try to intimidate them. Because of that, you were hesitant to tell him about your relationship with Roman.

"I know, believe me that's the last thing I want as well, but I feel bad that we are sneaking around behind his back. I mean, three years is a long time. I'm surprised that we managed to keep it from him for that long. We are going to have to tell him soon."

You nodded your head at Roman's words. They made sense. You also were surprised by the fact that you and Roman were able to keep your relationship a secret from your brother for three years. You knew that you would have to tell him eventually. It would be better that he finds out from you and not from someone else.

Roman leaned forward and pressed a kiss on your forehead. Wrapping one of his arms around your waist, he pulled you as close to him as possible on the bed. "Besides, I want to be able to show off to the world that your mine. That I was lucky enough to get the most beautiful girl ever to agree to go out with me. I want to see you at our games, wearing my jersey, knowing that your supporting me."

You smiled at his words. All of the things that he mentioned, you wanted them to. In order to get them, however, you knew that you would have to talk to your brother first. "Okay, I'll call him tomorrow and ask to meet up. I think it's better if I tell him in person. Do you want to go with me to tell him?"

You really hoped that he would say yes.

Roman nodded, knowing that you would need the support. Seeing him agree, you felt relief. At least you wouldn't have to do it on your own. Placing a small kiss on his lips, you once more placed your head on his chest and quickly fell asleep, dreaming about the future conversation you would have with your brother.

The following morning you woke up like you usually did, with Roman sleeping next to you on his stomach, his arm wrapped around your waist, effectively trapping you. Usually you loved waking up in this position, but this morning, however, you really wished that his arm was anywhere else but pinning you down. You really had to go to the bathroom.

As carefully as you could, you slowly lifted his arms from around you and pulled yourself away from your sleeping boyfriend. In the process of doing so, you felt him move in his spot. Without staying to see if he was fully awake or not, you ran into the bathroom to take care of your morning routine.

As you were in the shower, you heard the bathroom door open. Most people in this situation would probably freak out and start dreaming about all the horrible ways in which they could be murdered in their bathroom, but you knew that it was probably Roman. He confirmed it when he spoke up.

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