How Much Sex Is Too Much Sex (Kevin Trapp)

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Warning: There is some explicit content in this one shot so if that is something that you shouldn't be looking at or makes you feel uncomfortable, you should turn away now.

"How much sex is too much sex?" This is a question that had been bothering you lately. You had read an article that said that the average couple had sex once a week. You and your boyfriend had sex much more than that. Almost every day in the week, sometimes two times a day. Reading that article had made you wonder if having sex that frequently was healthy. It wasn't as if your entire relationship with Kevin was based upon sex, but you couldn't deny that the intimacy was an important part of your relationship.

You worries is what caused you to bring up this topic with your friends at your weekly meet up with them. Every week on Friday, you and your friends met up to catch up on the week and just have fun. You would talk about any and everything. This week it was at Kevin and yours apartment that this meet up was happening.

"I don't think there's such a thing as too much sex," your friend, Lisa, who was slightly tipsy from the amount of wine that she had been drinking, replied with a smile on her face. "The more the merrier."

Your other friend, Ana, nudged her in the arm and rolled her eyes at Lisa's response. "Of course you would say that, Lise. We all know how much you love sex."

You laughed at Ana's words. Someone else might take her words as being offensive towards Lisa, however, you both knew that she didn't mean it in a malicious way. She was just teasing. However, there was a certain truth to her teasing. Out of the three of you, Lisa was the one who was most open about her sex life and sex in general.

"Why do you bring this up?" Ana seemed genuinely curious.

"I read this article in a magazine. Apparently the average couple has sex once a week. That seemed too low to me and so I guess I got to think about how much would be too much." You leave out the fact that you and your boyfriend had sex way more than that. That was something that you didn't know if you would feel comfortable sharing with your friends. Unfortunately for you, Lisa was in the room.

"How many time do you and Kevin usually do it then?" You shouldn't have been shocked that she asked you that, but you couldn't help it. Before you could reply, Ana spoke up.

"LISE! You don't just ask someone that. No matter how close you are to that person."

Lisa just shrugged her shoulders. To her, it wasn't a big deal. It was a simple question, Biting your lips, you finally decided to talk to your friends about your situation.

"Every day. Sometime twice a day." Your voice was low, in fact, you had basically mumbled, but your friends still heard you if there expression was anything to go by. They both looked shocked in your direction. There was also a sense of envy in the way that they were looking at you. It was Lisa who recovered and spoke first.

"Everyday? Damn, where can I find myself a Kevin Trapp? He must be really good if you're doing it that frequently. But then again, Kevin's hot, so I guess it's not exactly a chore."

By the time that Lisa had finished speaking, you could feel the blush creeping up on your face. You knew that you were probably visibly turning red.

"Lise, shut up." Ana once again nudged Lisa in the arm, who looked like she didn't care what Ana was saying.

"What? I'm just saying that if I had myself a man that looked like Kevin, I would be sexing him up every day as well. So, Y/N, he must be damn good, right?"

You didn't think it was possible for you to become even redder, but apparently it was. Even Ana's ears had perked up this time, becoming interested in the conversation. You didn't know if you should indulge in this conversation, but looking at their faces, you knew they wouldn't let this go. Ana might, but you knew Lisa wouldn't. With a sigh, you finally answered her question.

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