A Push in the Right Direction (Dele Alli)

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Request: hii, could you write a dele alli imagine where the reader is Marcus Rashford's childhood friend and at some party for the England national team Marcus and the reader spend a lot of time together and dele becomes jealous, something like that? thanks x 

"You cheater!" You laughed and nudged Marcus, controller still in your hand. You were currently at a party to celebrate England's first win in the 2018 World Cup. Sometime during the part, your childhood friend Marcus Rashford had managed to convince you to play a game of FIFA with him. At first you had been hesitant to play but after much begging from your friend, you caved.

"I am not cheating!" Marcus pushed you back, causing you to laugh and almost topple over on the couch that you guys were sitting on. You would have fallen over if it weren't for the fact that Dele Alli, one of Marcus' team mates and friends caught you around the waist as you toppled.


You smiled at the concern on his face. You had always had a bit of a crush on him, ever since Marcus had introduced the two of you. However, you had never said anything, in fear that he wouldn't feel the same. The only person that you had ever told about your feelings for Dele were Marcus.


He simply nodded, but once again, his attention was focused on the game. You frowned. He had been acting odd with you the entirety of the party. Usually, he was a funny and loving guy buy for whatever reason, today, he was being very quiet.

Deciding to ignore it for now, you focused once more on the game. However, you weren't nearly as interested as you had been before. Majority of your attention was still on Dele. This was a fact that didn't go unnoticed by your best friend. Once more Marcus nudged you in the arm with his elbow. Instead of saying what he wanted to aloud, he leaned down and spoke into your ear, his eyes still not leaving the game however.

"If you keep on looking over at him so occasionally, your little secret is going to become obvious to everybody."

You couldn't help the blush that formed on your cheeks as a result of those words. Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Marcus pulled away from you and once more focused his full attention on the game. You would have done the same if it weren't for the fact that you felt movement next to your thigh. Looking over, you noticed Dele walking away from you and Marcus. You only saw him for a few seconds before his form was swallowed up by the mass of people in the party.

Pausing the game, you left Marcus behind, going after Dele. Your friend called you from behind but you ignored the call, your attention focused only on the man that had walked away.

You walked around the hotel lobby, trying to find the midfielder, however, you couldn't find him anywhere. You asked a few of his team mates if any of them had seen him, however, none of them told you that they had.

You looked for about five minutes before you decided to check the balcony, that being the only place that you hadn't checked before.

Opening the door, you stepped outside, the cool night air feeling good on your skin. You hadn't realized how hot it had been inside until you felt that air. Walking through the door, you realized that you weren't alone. The person that you had been looking for was right in front of you.

"What are you doing here?"

While it was true that you had been looking for him, you hadn't exactly worked out what you were going to say to him. Now that you had found him, you froze, not knowing what to say. Would it be weird if I told him that I was looking for him? With a sigh, you decided that the truth was probably the best thing to say. You had always been a crappy liar, too many tells, according to Marcus. "I was looking for you."

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