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Shane Jeremy James and Krish Sidhu Perform A Small Act Of Kindness

I believe in incorporating the smallest acts of kindness into your everyday life and notice the ripple effects. The Butterfly Effect in Chaos Theory asserts that a tiny event in one region of the globe can have a substantial effect somewhere else. Giving spontaneously can also have a remarkable affect on all those who come in contact with both the act and the players.

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." — Desmond Tutu

One kind act can transform someone's day

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One kind act can transform someone's day

Can you imagine a world where no one helped each other? Where we all just focus on our own needs but overlooked everyone else? This would make for a miserable world to live in, for ultimately, whether spontaneous or thought out, we cannot live a happy life without being kind, by giving and helping each other.

The Difference Between Compassion and Kindness.

Compassion is the ability to feel for someone or to have the same feeling as that of someone else. In kindness, a person may feel sorry for some person but will not reflect the suffering person's feelings. But with compassion, a person may have the same feelings as that of the suffering person.

Research also finds that compassion can activate pleasure circuits in the brain, and makes you happy. Compassion lowers stress hormones and strengthens the immune system, helps people feel less vulnerable and lonely, and even reduces risk of heart disease! And when individuals develop compassion and kindness it can lead to more compassionate societies.

How can you bring more kindness, compassion, and love into your life? Do you have a story of a random act of kindness? Do comment below. I hope this post inspires you to pause occasionally during your day and take the time to make someone smile. The most wonderful part is you will make yourself feel great.

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