lil tag thingo🕺

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heyyO guys i'm here for a tag thing because it seems pretty cool ya know like yeah maybe you guys could learn some shit about me andddd yeA

↝ mention who tagged you
↝ include the rules
↝ give it a title
↝ state ten facts about yourself
↝ tell a joke
↝ give a spoiler to one of your books
↝ tag people

— tagged by DabbDolan

- i live in good ole australia
- i love drawing a lot
- i have three beautiful dogs
- i do a lot of that's fun!¡
- i don't have a favourite colour
- i write my lower case 'f' from bottom to top
- i'm a fire sign
- i do a lot of crazy dumb shit without thinking
- i like being alone... it's kinda weird i know but yeah?¿
- i love spooky shit

"joke" not really but it's cool

 i'm super lame sorry um sO a spoiler next yeah?

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i'm super lame sorry um sO a spoiler next yeah?

not so much a spoiler but a teaser for an upcoming book. oh yeah i don't exactly know how to put it so imma just spit some words at you.
It's got witches, a spooky forest, creepy cabins, a cute ass grayson and one special feline. OH wait fuck i almost forgot a curse and some magic.

hopefully that sounds pretty cool🤪 ya know

oH and i tag
chevrolan discomfhurts posiedolan grvnts

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