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"This way," the nurse led the woman's husband into a room, "your wife is about to give birth."

He was panting, sweating and nervous. His wife and himself have been looking forward to this day, they dreamt of a charming son with great intelligence, manners and a lively personality.


After hours of waiting he was finally able to meet his long-awaited child.

He rushed into the room, desperate to see the child.

He sighed, the child was not what they dreamt of. It was a girl. She was born ugly and underweight, meaning she wasn't very healthy. Not only that, but she has also been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This was not what his wife dreamt of either, in fact, far from it.

Two weeks later they brought the baby home early in the morning. 

That night, he held the child in his hands and walked to the nearby bridge.

"The stars are really beautiful tonight, aren't they? Too bad you won't be seeing anything else as beautiful as this ever again...I'm sorry."

With that, he dangled the child over the edge of the bridge and dropped her.

The child would've hit a rock and died, if not she would've drowned to death. To him, it didn't really matter, as long as she's gone.

Without realising, he shed a tear. "No! I can't cry, I don't have a child like her."


Dark...I know

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