|| 3 - Food Park ||

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Detention was over and still the three of us was spacing out somewhere.

"KIDS!" Mr. Jae snapped us back to reality as he walk pass to us to get his own stuffs.

"Better get going before the school gates close. Now go chop-chop!" He shooed us away.

I grabbed my bag and dashed out the building, hoping that'll catch up with the guard.

Jaemin catch up with me, Donghyuck on the other hand is still fixing his stuff and zipped his bag.

"YAH! YOU DONT WANNA BE LOCKED UP IN HERE RIGHT!?" Jaemin grabbed Donghyuck on the hand and ran through halls.

It's pretty obvious that class already ended, all of the rooms are empty and closed. Teachers are roaming around to see if some students are still inside. We run faster as we see the guard almost closing the gates.

As we reach the gates outside, the guard spoke something that me and Jamin only understand.

"You two never change, here have some water" We gladly took it from him and gulped down the entire bottle.

"Thanks hyung" Jaemin thanked the guard for the bottle of water, while Donghyuck is still catching his breath.

Is it his first time running ever in his life? He looks like he will run out of breath anytime. Speaking of, he ducked down and catched his breath slowly.

"Do you guys do this all day?" He asked in between his rapid breathing.

"This day is pretty normal though you were added in the frame" Jaemin spoke as he wipe off some excess sweats from his forehead.

Although we just run for a minute, Donghyuck seemed to run a 10km run. He looked really sweaty not to mention his shirt is a bit soaked.

I handed him the half if my water which he gladly accept, he gulped it up finishing the whole bottle.He stoop up and he's back with his normal breathing.

"Where to next?" I asked Jaemin who's still texting in his phone, he paused and answered me.

"Food Park?" He grinned slyly while I sighed out some air out from my lips. Donghyuck looked at us confused and asked.

"And you're going to a Park ?" I gave him a thumbs up. His face was all crumpled.

"Yup a food park" Jaemin grinned from ear to ear. I shot him a look to stop his actions. He disagree and went near Donghyuck and swung his arms to his shoulders.

"Wanna come?" He asked Donghyuck while he wriggled his eyebrows. I know that he would do that to Donghyuck.

I was about to pull Jaemin off Donghyuck, but Donghyuck suddenly came up with a decision that might ruin himself.

"Yeah Sure" Jaemin's grin grew wider as he fished out his phone and texted the group chat.


You have new messages from Broke Fam.

Guys! We have a surprise for you!

What is it!?

Cmon guys I already reserved a table here!

Where's Zennie?

I'm here

I put back my phone in my pocket. Jaemin was still there, signalling me take Donghyuck with me.

I took Donghyuck with me, we are on our way to the food park. While of course Jaemin was trailing behind the two of us. He's been weird recently, he's always on his phone texting.

For moments of walking we reached the food park that's been our meeting place.

"ZENNIIIIEEE" Jeno waved at us as he pats the table.

I left Donghyuck's pace and dashed my way to the table where they've already reserved, I took the seat between Jeno and Renjun.

"What took you so long?" Jeno asked and faced me while his hands are on his chest.

"Detention" Donghyuck answered as he took the seat beside Renjun.

Renjun and Jeno looked at Donghyuck weirdly, and looked back at me. But before they even get to ask Jaemin turned off his phone and put it inside his pocket.

"Lee Donghyuck" Jaemin introduced the tan lad, who's now resting his head on the table while he made his bag a pillow.

"You met him at the Detention Room too?" Jeno asked as he nudge his shoulders in my stomach.

"Yup" I said and stood up. They all stared at me weirdly and made my way to a stall.

"Three bottles of beer please" I smiled at the girl who's working inside the little stand.

She stared at me for a moment and went near their cooler to get my order. She hesitantly gave it to me, and of course she didn't do anything but to accept the payment.

Before I could even walk my way back to our table. I fished out my wallet again and payed for one case of beer.

"Oh and can bring the case of beer on our table, it's just near here. Thank you" I smiled and went back to our table.

Their looks pierced when they saw only three bottles of beer.

Of course, Jaemin and Jeno whined while Renjun clicked his tounge making a 'tsk' sound.

"Why did you onl---" Jeno was cut off when a girl, went near us with a case of beer with some food.

"The foods are in the house" They celebrated and thanked the girl as she went back to their stall to make some orders.

I took the bottle and pop it open with a spoon. I drank it fast and eat some food that's free.

"You guys do this all day?" Donghyuck ask, as he gulped down his own bottle of beer.

We all shrugged with his question.

For a moment of silence Jeno grabbed my shoulders and hugged it tightly, guess he's already drunk with just only four bottle of beer.

"Zennieeeeee awwwiieee don't leave uusss" He hugged it even tightly, which was suffocating, and other than that Renjun rested his head on my shoulders.

I glance over at Donghyuck who's glaring at his bottle of beer and an empty seat with empty bottles. Guess I focused too much on drinking and didn't notice Jaemin already left with a note.

"Can you hand it over?" I asked Donghyuck and he handed me over the small piece of paper.

Before I could even read the little note that Jaemin left, Donghyuck gulp down the whole bottle and opened another one. Guess he's problematic like the four of us.

"He said he'll go home first, his father called him" he said.

Great, now how the heck I'll carry Renjun and Jeno. It's a great thing that Donghyuck's still not drunk.

Donghyuck glanced over me, with tears falling down his cheeks.




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