The people who don't leave you alone

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Mabel woke up in the nurse's office with a cool towel on her forehead and no memory of how she got there. The last thing she remembered was sitting in the auditorium "listening" to the principal drone on about the future being bright and now she was lying on her back in the nurse's room. She puzzled over this for a few minutes but she couldn't think of anything besides her falling asleep in her seat. That part made sense but why would she have been brought to the nurse? And why would they have put a wet towel on her forehead? She sat up and looked at the clock. It was nearly time for the bell. The principal would be nearing the end of his speech and all the students who had been making the polite effort to listen would be itching to leave.

That would mean Mabel had been out cold for almost thirty minutes! She shook her head to dispel the slight grogginess she felt and took stock of her body. There were no aches or pains, and aside from being a little tired, she felt fine. She checked her head, there was a small bump on the back, implying she had fallen down but she didn't remember leaving her seat. Mabel laid back down and closed her eyes. She didn't know exactly what happened in the half hour she was unconscious but it was probably nothing. She would just rest here until the bell went off and then she'd be home free.

The last few minutes past and the bell rang, Mabel woke up from what had been a rather pleasant nap and made her way through the halls to her locker. As she made her way up the stairs through the flood of students she noticed a flash of light out of the corner of her eye. She looked down but there was nothing there, just her shadow. Frowning she turned and continued her climb. Reaching the top of the stairs where she encountered one of the three people in the entire school she would consider to be a friend shouting over the sea of students; O'Hara Lynne.

"Hey, Mabel!" She shouted "you alright? I saw you left the auditorium but you never came back. Sarah went to check on you then like three teachers left in a mad dash, I heard you fell and hit your head or something" "so that's why I don't remember anything" Mabel thought, out loud she yelled "yeah I'm fine, I'm not one hundred percent sure what happened but I woke up in the nurses office and only had a small bump on my head." O'Hara was peppy and fun to be around, she loved books, music, and anime, so naturally, she was also a thespian. She and Mabel had met when the school attempted to put on a musical, the attempt was ill-fated because at the same time the music director had broken his collarbone so the show was directed by the English teacher. O'Hara's mom was a doctor so she studied a bit of medicine, both to appease her mother and also because "you never know when that stuff could come in handy". O'Hara's big dream was, of all things to open a restaurant. Besides everything else cooking was one of her favorite things to do, she just really liked food.

O'Hara frowned "hmm, well promise me that when you get home you'll have it checked out. I'd hate for it to turn out that you have a concussion so soon before graduation" Mabel had done her best to avoid making any close friends during high school but there are always those people who just keep pestering you until you can't help but like them. O'Hara, of course, knew Mabel's plan to ditch and not go to graduation but she and Mabel's other two friends Piper And Jace wouldn't hear it and O'Hara chose not to even think about it as a possibility. Mabel grinned "I'm not going to graduation O'Hara, you know that" "oh yes you are!" This was a new voice that came from overhead.

Jace was a tall dark skinned boy that had been following Mabel around since eighth grade. His parents were Native American, but he claimed to have some Irish in his blood, which showed through in his reddish-brown hair that sat on his head like a pillow. He was taller than most people at an even 5"11 but whenever someone asked him he claimed that he was 6"5. Jace was a very dramatic person, he had met Mabel and O'Hara through the school's drama department. But Jace refused to give people the ability to classify him as any one thing. So he did absolutely everything he could squeeze into a day; he joined a fencing team and a parkour gym on top of already being taught to camp by his Native American grandfather. He also had a tendency to be rather annoying in Mabel's opinion.

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