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<Wednesday 9:30 am>

"Whoa!" O'Hara said snapping a photo. It was the day after Mabel's welcome party, Piper had decided to go visit Mcgucket mansion when he offered to show her some of his old designs. Mabel had brought the others to see Bill's statue. Since the "Never Mind All That Act" was still in effect, Mabel couldn't talk about weirdmaggedon, but she could talk about everything else, and since sheriff Blubs and deputy Derland weren't around she didn't exactly follow the law.

"This is Bill's old body," Mabel explained, "It turned into a statue when he jumped into my grunkle's mind, then we just-," she made a finger gun and mimed shooting, "Pow right out of his head and into nothingness!" Jace applauded. He had heard some of Mabel's stories about Bill and had taken a safe stance about thirty feet back. "That was really cool Mabel!" He shouted. Mabel shrugged, it was mostly my grunkle Ford's idea. Dipper and I didn't really do anything besides-" she stopped mid-sentence before she could say "Besides act stupid and get caught."

Jace nodded. O'Hara attempted to lighten the mood by making an observation, "The air around the statue feels like alive, do you know why?" Mabel nodded, pushing her feelings about Dipper back into the little box she kept them in. "Yeah, Ford says that since Bill's body once contained so much power that it's still partly between the mindscape, nightmare realm, and our world." Jace looked at the statue nervously, "But you said the nightmare realm was gone." Mabel blinked, "Huh? Oh! Yeah about that, the nightmare realm is just the space between dimensions. What happens is that certain areas of it can contain life sometimes but not forever. The area around our dimension shredded itself apart so don't worry, nothing's coming through old Bill here." She patted the statue on the hat confidently.

"Yeah!" O'Hara chimed in, "I mean would Mabel really bring us here if it was dangerous?" Jace replied, "She almost killed us on the way here so my confidence is not super high right now." Mabel laughed, O'Hara laughed, the statue of Bill laughed.

They all froze, the statue of Bill sat there, unmoving. Then it's eye glowed pink, "Heya guys!" a voice said "Don't freak out, I'm not Bill, not even close. His body is just a really easy way to talk to you!" Mabel took a few tentative steps back, O'Hara stood where she was about a foot to Mabel's left, and Jace surprisingly ran forward and stood between the two girls and the statue. The statues eye pulsed as it spoke, "Seriously guys calm down, if I wanted to hurt you I would've done it already. You were just touching this thing." O'Hara answered the statue tentatively, "O-ok then, what are you?" The voice, which was distinctly feminine, replied. "That's a good question! You could call me a shadow, but I'm a bit more than that. I'm an amorphous being that can't exist without a source of life." Jace answered. "Sounds like some kind of parasite. Is that what you are?" The statue replied, "Mmm, I guess you could say that."

Mabel asked, "What's your name?" The voice answered, "What, you've forgotten all about me shooting star?" At the phrase shooting star Mabel's body went cold, "We need to leave," she said pulling Jace and O'Hara. "Now!" The voice started laughing, "Nowhere to go shooting star! The shadows are on my side" as the voice said this the shadows in the trees around them seemed to come alive, they rose up forming a swirling flowing wall. Enclosing them in a circular cage, and at the center of which was the statue of Bill.

The shadows surrounding them began to arch creating a black dome around them, the only light came from the eye of Bill's statue which was glowing a bright pink. "Now where were we?" The voice said, "Oh that's right, we were getting to know each other, I guess it's my turn to ask you some questions!" The black sphere around them then collapsed. Absorbing everything on the inside besides the statue of Bill, which sat in the small clearing, with no indication anything had just happened.

Wow! Over 300 reads in a little over 3 weeks! I'm not gonna pretend to know if that's good or not but to me it feels great seeing as how I didn't expect much to come of this story. I've been gone for a little while but that gave me some time to decide where I'm going to take this story in the future, and since we've made it to 300 I'm going to put out three parts today because I enjoy torturing my brain XD. The next two parts will be about some of the backstories to Jace and O'Hara. Specifically, stuff that has happened to them in the past and how they're dealing with it. I'm going to warn you right now that it's not exactly a light and happy story.

After that then I'm going to ease up on the rapid updates a bit because my brain and hands hurt from all the writing. The story is going to pick up pace and speed a bit so fasten your seatbelts!

Thanks again for all the reads and votes!

Remember: Vote, Comment, and Share so more people will experience the emotional roller coaster that's coming!

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