M i n e

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You woke up to even louder buzzing. You realized the alarm clock was right next to you on the bed. What the hell-?! You were super confused. You just shut off the alarm and put it back onto the nightstand. (P/N) was still asleep so you tried your best to not wake them up. 

You got up and did your daily morning routine but then realized that your new job as a teacher started today. You gasped and smiled, you were going to be a teacher! You got dressed into what you thought were good for a first impression. You had black pants on and a (F/C) shirt on. 

You took a deep breathe to calm yourself down

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You took a deep breathe to calm yourself down. You put on your favorite shoes and then set down food for (P/N). You grabbed your purse and ran out the door, locking it behind. You quickly got into your car and drove to the school. The directions were weird, but you stuck with them. 

You arrived at the school in literally the middle of nowhere. This was strange. You got out of the car and took one long and good look at the school. Looks like a school that would be in a children's game. You shrugged it off then entered the school. The school was guarded by fences. You opened the bright yellow door and then looked around. No one was here? You must have been really early.

"Hmm.." You trying to think of what to do until you were cut off by a voice that was behind you. You quickly turned around and your eyes widened. It was a tall man with a bright green sweater and blue pants. He was also bald but with only one strand of hair left. 

"Well to my schoolhouse! You must be (Y/N)! I heard you were coming to be a new teacher, am I correct?" You nodded.

"Yes I'm (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you," You didn't know his name yet.

"Call me Baldi!"

"Ah okay, nice to meet you B-Baldi." You couldn't help but think how weird but hilarious it is to have a name that suits him so well. You were trying so hard not to laugh. You managed to pull it off and then force a smile.

"Are you alright (Y/N)? You seem uncomfortable." Well you were a bit uncomfortable with how close he was. 

"N-No I'm okay! So, are you the principal?" Baldi laughed. Whoops, I guess not.

"No no, I'm actually the math teacher here! Well, I was the only teacher here until you came. We're all excited! We haven't had anyone come here in such a long time!" Baldi smiled. You didn't think it was possible to smile that much. You also noticed that his lips were quite red.. (I seriously thought they were Twizlers X'D now I nicknamed him "Twizlers Lips".)

You thought Baldi was quite nice! You smiled also. You thought it was going to be a great year. 

"OH! Um.. what will I be teaching here?" You asked, also trying to break the silence.

"You'll be teaching (Your favorite subject)!" You whispered,'Yes' because you really wanted to teach that. You pumped your fists up into the air. Baldi chuckled,"You seem really excited to teach that and that's great!"

"Heck yeah I am!" You giggled. The bell soon rang, shoot! "I-I need to head to class." Baldi nodded then walked to a room super close by that had the numbers,'99' printed on them. There was another room next to it that had,'99' printed on it. 

You thought this was strange. Was every door like that??? You didn't know which classroom was yours so you just chose the classroom next to Baldi's. 

 ~Baldi's Point Of View~

I couldn't stop thinking about her.. (Y/N).... she is just... different. She was so kind and adorable. (Ah God... I'm feeling super weak while writing this...) She is perfect in every way. I want her... no I NEED her.... why am I thinking like this?! She just arrived here!! Am I going crazy?! (Y e s) Maybe I am... but I must act calm... I can't.. UGH!!! I slammed my fists onto the desk. Right now I had no students in my class. 

I need to have (Y/N)... (No you need to have a therapist X'D Twizlers Lips!) She is perfect...

 She is mine


YES I know this is short! And a lot of peeps wanted him to be a frickin' psychopathic rapist for SOME REASON. YA'LL ARE WEIRD! Anyways, Until next time~

Get Out While You Still Can! IIBaldi x Reader (Lemons)II (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now