E s c a p e

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That video is such great quality content


Slight lemon is involved in this chapter!


You were just about to walk to Baldi's office until you heard someone scream,"STOP!!!" The voice sounded familiar. Was that Lilith? Someone suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you into the Office. You heard the door lock. You tried to run but you were stopped by someone grabbing your shoulder, tightly. 

"Oh (Y/N)~" Someone said lustfully. Baldi.. he was up to something. 

"Wh-What are you going to do to m-?!" You were cut off by sudden banging on the door. There was screaming on the other side but something that one of the people said caught you off guard.

"(Y/N) please... escape from there! He will hurt you!" It was Lilith. You now didn't know what to do. Stay or try to escape?! You were pinned against a wall. You gasped from the sudden action.

(LEMON WARNING!! Dear God..)

You opened to see Baldi's face like 3 inches from yours. You felt your face heat up. He had a sinister grin plastered on his face. You struggled to escape from his grip.

"There's no escape (Y/N)~" Baldi chuckled. He placed his hand under your chin and forced you to look at him. You felt his cold lips press against yours. (Ahhhh God... I feel super weird while writing this.... :'D) It felt so wrong but so right at the same time. You decided to kiss back and see what happens because you're that curious. 

Baldi grinned then deepened the kiss. You did the same. Your face heated up even more and your heart raced. You felt him slide his hand on your curves. (I'm very sorry if this is bad.. this is my first lemon..) You moaned lightly when he squeezed your hip. He loved hearing you moan. (Oml I'm cringing... :'D)

He started to unbutton your shirt and he took it off, leaving you in your laced bra. 

"Nice~" He grinned. (Damn cat is stepping on my keyboard- I love her sfm though-) You felt a really huge change in temperature. You shivered and tried covering yourself up. Baldi growled and then put your hands above your head.

"Never cover yourself up. You look amazing~" The last part made you blush even more. By now you think you'd be mistaken for a tomato. He started to unlatch your bra with his free hand. You closed your eyes. You released air that you didn't even know you were holding. 

Baldi chuckled from your expression. He eventually took off your bra and gazed at your (L/M/S) breasts. (Imma say "breasts" instead of "boobs" because if I say "boobs" I feel childish.. idk why ._.) His eyes were full of lust. He started to massage your breasts. You moaned lightly, trying to hold back any other moans. 

You struggled to escape his grip. He was stronger than you thought. Maybe it paid off since he writes a lot.. sorta. He really does like math so he writes a lot of equations. You heard the banging on the door stop. Thank God there were no windows in Baldi's office.

You felt him release your hands as he used that hand to unbutton your pants. You tried pushing him away and he frowned.

"Seriously?" He growled. He was about to pin you against the desk until you heard a loud BANG! You and Baldi whipped around to see the door kicked down and the Principal glaring at Baldi. Lilith had her eyes covered by Bow and Bow had his eyes covered from 1st Prize. (X'D Just imaging that.) Another female came and wrapped you in a blanket. 

The Principal gave Baldi a death stare. Bow came up to Baldi and slapped him.

"Don't you DARE hurt or rape my cousin's teacher ever again you asshole!!" Bow growled loudly. The Principal put a hand on Bow's shoulder then walked out of the room with him and everyone else.

"Usually I would punish you for cursing but I'll let it slide just for today." P.O.T.T. (Principal Of The Thing) said. Bow just chuckled and sighed.

"I'm just glad that we saved (Y/N) just in time." Bow said happily. P.O.T.T. smiled and nodded.

"I'll make sure to deal with Baldi tomorrow. But for now, you guys should be heading home." Bow shivered. He was an orphan, along with his sister. He hated his adopted parents since they treated him like shit. He gathered all his courage and then pleaded to P.O.T.T.,"Please let me stay! My parents are abusive and they barely even care about Arrow and I! I just don't want to go back.. they'll literally kill Arrow and I since we're late..."

P.O.T.T. looked concerned but nodded,"I'll let you two stay as long as you don't cause any trouble." He smiled. Bow smiled and nodded. He was also a bit of a trouble maker. He didn't follow the school rules very well but he sure did like seeing P.O.T.T.

~Reader's P.O.V.~

I was absolutely terrified. No wonder not a lot of people work here! I shivered from being way too cold but the blanket kinda heated me up. (B r u h) I was thankful that they saved me but at the same time.. I kinda wanted it to last a bit longer. (BRUH READER-CHAN!! YOU WERE BEING RAPED!!) I sighed and felt someone tug on the blanket.

I looked over to see who tugged onto the blanket and giggled. I saw Lilith being carried by 1st Prize. I gotta admit, I thought that was adorable. Lilith is such a sweet girl but she can be a bit terrifying.. especially when Baldi's around. I wonder how Baldi is right now..? 

Lilith smiled and giggled also. Her eyes have also seemed to change. They changed from being complete black to beautiful brown eyes. I smiled, knowing that she was safe. Now, all I have to do is prepare for tomorrow...

And won't that be one Hell of a ride?


*In the corner holding a cross* I better get used to this since I'll HAVE TO be writing these lemons in this fanfiction.... :'D *Le shaking* But anyways, until next time~

Get Out While You Still Can! IIBaldi x Reader (Lemons)II (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now