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I lied, I'm gonna update today ;D. I've listened to that song for four hours straight because I'm that bored.


You waved goodbye as Lilith, Bow and Arrow left. You were wearing a grey T-Shirt and black pants. You got into your car and shivered. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. You sighed and started your car.

~Time Skip~

You got home and (P/N) Immediately attacked you. They licked your face as you giggled. They clearly missed you. 

"Alright, alright, I missed ya too." You smiled. (P/N) always made everything better. You got up and refilled (P/N)'s water and food bowl. You assumed that they might have been really hungry. You placed (P/N) down and then went to your room to take a shower. 

The shower was refreshing and you were a bit more relaxed. Today was quite an experience. You got to see your new class but the math teacher.. oh that man... he kinda freaked you out.  You still wished that the moment you guys had would have lasted longer since you really liked him (On the first DAY >:/) and you believed Baldi isn't really that bad. 

You believed that Baldi has some good to him, even if he doesn't show it. (W H E E Z E) But at the same time, you didn't know if that was true. You yawned. Your body was heavy and you were exhausted. You decided to head to bed early.

You went into your room and flopped onto your bed, instantly falling asleep. You were that tired. 

~Next morning~ (I'm lazy af) 

A loud buzzing sound blasted into your ears and you jolted awake. It was time to get up already? You felt like you just went to sleep a second ago. You groaned and slammed your hand onto the alarm clock to shut it off. 

(P/N) came bolting in and jumped onto your bed, licking your face. You giggled and lightly pushed them away. You yawned and stretched. You did your daily morning routine and then got into the car to drive to the school. The Here School. You have no idea why it's called that but you couldn't do anything about it. 

You arrived at the school and parked in the parking lot. You were 20 minutes early. That could give you enough time to decorate your classroom a bit. You got into your classroom and started to decorate it. 

After a while, the classroom was full of different colors and looked less bland. You smiled when the bell rang. Just time time! The sound of students walking and talking filled the halls. You sat down at your desk as students came walking into the classroom. Seems like even more than last time! You were happy students were actually starting to attend this school.

The classroom filled with talking and laughter. Some students looked familiar but others looked new. You got up from your desk and walked in front of your desk.

"Alright class, settle down." You said calmly. Slowly, the students quieted down. One of them raised their hand. "Yes?" They stood up. They had salmon colored hair with one light blue eye and a star for an eye. 

"Aren't you the new teacher miss (L/N)? I heard Baldi talking about you yesterday morning! He though you looked prrreeeeetttyyyy." The child giggled. You blushed lightly and winced. Baldi seriously thought that way? The child started to grab a ruler from their back pack and started to speak in a mocking tone,"I think miss (L/N) is the most beautiful person around. I wanna smooch her, blah blah blah." The class burst into laughter.

You giggled but you surprised yourself when you did so. You smiled.

"Alright, alright, I don't think mister Baldi would like you mocking him. Now everyone, settle down." You said calmly. (Yes I got that idea from another fanfiction.) You started your lesson and everything seemed to go smoothly.

You were in the middle of teaching about commas and was about to ask a question until you heard the door slam open. It was Lilith. She was breathing heavily and was sweating. You assumed she ran to class.

"I-I'm sorry miss (L/N)! I-I slept in." She was leaning against what seemed to be a robot. It looked like a heart on wheels. (If you get the reference and say who it is in the comments, I'll give you a shout out on the next chapter. What I mean is that a youtuber said that 1st Prize looked like a heart on wheels. If you can say who said that in the comments then I'll give ya a shout out.)

"It's alright Lilith. Yesterday was quite the adventure so I'll let it slide." You smiled. Lilith seemed to smile too.

"Thank you!" She turned to the robot and whispered something to it. The robot just smiled and hugged Lilith then bolted away. You covered your mouth and giggled.

"Oooooo~ someone's gotta crush on the robot!" The salmon colored haired boy said out loud. Lilith just blushed and growled,"Do not!" The salmon haired boy laughed. "Shut up brother." Lilith mumbled. You giggled then motioned to Lilith for her to sit down. Lilith nodded and then sat down at her desk.

You started your lesson again like nothing happened. Today was going smoothly. You still wondered what happened to Baldi. You haven't seen him all morning. Maybe he got fired? Oh well..  


I'm exhausted I'm sorry.. this sucks IK..... anyways, until next time~

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