insecure, bitter, hatter

72 15 0

Dedicated to hater,

why are you so bitter?
the face another makes
when one basically does nothing
makes one feel better

one does not belittle another
nor look up to another

one would just wish
for something you would do.

hater keep on hating;
one won't give another
any of one's time
one knows
another will just be
wasting their time

realize another's bullshit
one day and pay
what another said
was dumb

just say what
you want to say,
one isn't going to
bat a lash for you

another might drown

and die regretful,

keep on losing
the debts, bets
be too ashamed
to the point
that you'd wish
to fly away
on jet planes

eat all another's words
come on, but wait

are you full? regretful?

wished you never spoke?
now you need to wash
your dirty mouth with soap

did you know that,
insecurity is a disease?

one hope you get well soon.

Can you see?
I did care, now I don't.

how lovely you are,
kind and selfless,

oh, dearest you're the best
best in ruining other's business,
best in raining in on other's parades
best in being up high like you have no mistakes

the irony hell of strikes-
soon you'll be begging
for forgiveness because
that's how karma strikes

I pray for you to
no longer be bitter
but to be better


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