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British people are frank, awfully frank and Sara learnt that pretty soon after moving to London. To an American like herself it would seem rude to be so upfront but here almost everybody spoke their mind.

"Hey you're that American girl aren't you? You never hang out in parties or with guys. Are you like one of those super religious Americans they show on the telly?" A girl asked her at Carl's party. Stacy and Georgina were long lost in the crowd probably getting plastered.

"Umm no I'm just socially awkward I guess" Sara said after a long pause of not knowing what to say to her.

"Oh an introvert" the girl nodded "there's a bunch of you lot down on the second floor. They have Netflix viewing parties and YouTube watching marathons. I know one of them and you can hang with them maybe feel more at home." She said sipping her beer "I'm Penny by the way"

"Umm Sara and thanks... I think"

"I'll call about that guy and when's their next get together" Penny said before getting up and leaving the spot empty next to Sara on the couch. Sara was about to leave herself before anyone else tried to talk to her but even before she could think of it a Ginger freckled boy who seemed oddly familiar sat next to her.

"Hey neighbor" he said resting his arm behind that's when Sara remembered he's one of the guys who lives in the building across from her's their balconies face each other.

"Oh hey there" Sara said no able to remember his name

"Lee we've met like five times this year and every time I have to remind you my name." He said but didn't seem to be offended more poking fun at her.

"Sorry everyone calls you camera guy so that name kind of pops up when I see you" Sara replied meekly. Lee was never seen without his professional camera around his neck so he got the nickname camera guy on campus.

"Better than being called 'that American girl'" he laughed nudging me slightly

"Well they get zero for creativity if you ask me" Sara said taking her a sip of her cup which has been in her hand all night yet is still practically full.

"Hey you on insta?" He asked changing the subject

"I am"

"Great I can finally tag you on all your pictures" Lee said almost nonchalantly. Sara's eyes bulged out in shock at the Ginger who was now grinning like a mad man.

"You seriously don't know?" He asked "Boy you really are in our bubble"

"Wait a minute one thing at a time" Sara said angrily "what pictures and what do you mean 'I'm in my own bubble'?"

"Well first I've been taking pictures of you on your balcony" he answered "but nothing racy that would make me a creep. No just you reading a book or sipping your morning coffee"

"That's still considered creepy!" Sara shouted "and how do I know you haven't taken any conprimising pictures"

"That brings us to the second part you've been so much in your own world you weren't even able to notice the guy taking your pictures a few feet away and maybe you're forgetting the balcony is connected to your kitchen. All your other windows are facing the street on the other side of the building so unless you been doing the running man naked in your kitchen I have yet to see you in any conprimising position let alone have pictures"

"Still you shouldn't have posted my pictures to Instagram without my permission"

"You're right, I'm sorry" he said holding an earnest face before breaking into laughter "actually no I'm not your pictures have been likes magnets and I've got a considerable amount of followers because of them"

"You're freaking unbelievable" Sara said angrily

"I know but guess I found my muse" he smiled giving her a wink

"Well guess what? You just lost her " Sara snapped getting away from him and muttering "jerk" under her breath.

"K see over morning coffee then" Lee shouted after her. The nerve of the guy she thought as she made her way out of the apartment.

Sara texted Stacy and Georgina that she went home before taking the short walk back home. She made a short stop at the Tesco near her building to buy some groceries and neccesties before going up to her apartment building.

Out of curiosity she opened Instagram to see Lee's account. Hanging her keys on the hook once she entered her apartment she turned her focus back to her phone and sure enough they're were several of her pictures on his Instagram. One of her reading with her hair tied into a messy bun which had over 1k likes, another her sipping coffee looking down at her mug with a lost look which had over 3k and three others which showed her in a daydream like state.

"He was right I am lost in my own world" she said to herself looking at her pictures. All those times she'd been thinking of Mason actually there have been very few times hasn't been thinking of Mason. With a sigh and shake to her head she scrolled up and almost dropped her phone at what she saw.

Also followed by: Mason Rockwell

And then the phone slipped from her hands falling to the floor. She didn't even care if it fell, hell at that moment she wouldn't have even cared if it fell into another dimension.

Mason is following Lee so he must've seen the pictures she thought and she knew how jealous Mason got when other guys were around her. What if he thinks she and Lee are involved somehow. Quickly grabbing her phone which was still alive, Sara called Mason only for it to go to voicemail as usual but this time she didn't hang up.

"Hey Mason, it's me Sara" she paused feeling her throat dry up all of a sudden "I've been calling you for so long but you always seem to ignore me. I still have faith and hope but it seems like it's fading day by day. Mason please talk to me. Pick up just once, answer my text just anything but this... Mason please I..." the voicemail cut her off before she could say anything else.

"...love you more than anything else. Being away from you physically hurts. I need you back please Mason" she finished off what she was going to say even though he would never hear her.

The Promise [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now