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"Ready or not!" Yelled Stacy at Sara's frontdoor as she opened the door for them "Paris here we come!"

She twirled showcasing her tweed hat, white buttoned up shirt and pastel striped culottes.

"Oh what do we have here" Stacy sang "Georgina dear someone's dolled up for I us"

"I see someone's raunchy side has awoken" Georgina looked Sara up and down in amusement

"Guys calm down it's just a little black dress" Sara said rolling her eyes. She bought it on a wim liking the soft fabric and wouldn't admit it to the girls but questioned wearing it today a million times she even was about to change when the doorbell rang.

"Darling please tell me when was the last time you wore anything "little"?" Asked Stacy

"Or a dress?" Added Georgina "all you usually wear is super baggy clothes or very layered"

"I like what you guys are wearing" Sara said trying to change the subject

"Sara do you know this jumpsuit was made from left over fabric that would've ended up in landfills. I'm going to send you the link of the website all of their dresses are so cute" Georgina said excitedly

"Oh my god! I thought it was one of those designer dresses your mom sent you" Sara looked at the red jumpsuit in awe it really did look expensive like something off of a runway.

"Please I dropped off all of mother's dresses at Goodwill just this morning. I'm not wearing anything made through ill gains ever again" she announced

"As much as the postive talk is making my aura glow, guys we've got a train to catch" Stacy said and as soon as she said it we grabbed my bags running down to Stacy's car. Although Georgina's mother had arranged for her to go to Paris in a private jet she refused saying it created too big of a carbon footprint. Her mother now refused to talk to her and Georgina couldn't be happier.

It had been a month since Sara last called Mason. Ever since that voicemail she stopped calling and texting him and thought she needed to stop obsessing over him and give him his space for now. She was going home after a month and then she'd be able to talk things out with him face to face as calling him lead to nowhere.

All three girls reached the train just on time. It was very simple actually you just boarded a train in London and boom your next step was Paris. In America, where the main transportation is by flight or car, Sara found this really surreal.

As Sara, was getting comfortable in her seat her phone began buzzing she picked up her phone to see it was her dad.

"Hi Dad" she said excitedly

"Hey princess, did you catch the train on time?"

"Yup we're on it right now. How's Mom?"

"She's doing great. I'll give her the phone in a minute. First I wanted to send you the details for your new bank account in Paris. I still think you should get an apartment of your own rather than staying with Georgina" he said. While Mrs. Rockwell did pay for her education, her father sent her money for living expenses. Sara's parents had saved some money for her to college and university with so when Mrs. Rockell offered to send her to Dame Harrington they instead used that money to pay for her plane ticket, rent, food and other expenses. Her dad didn't like Mrs. Rockwell's offer to begin with being a proud southern man he felt like it was charity but relented seeing Sara's excitement at attending the university. It was also one of the main reasons why Sara hadn't gone back home in over two years as plane tickets were too expensive and she didn't want to hurt her father's pride anymore by asking the Rockwells.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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