The Friend-Finding Arc Chapter 10

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The spaghetti was a huge success, but, cozied under a blanket on the sofa and with a full stomach, almost two full days behind her, and several pressing worries put to rest, Frisk was quickly out like a light. Papyrus only noticed when she flopped over sideways when he went to get up for more food.

"Oh, ah... um... Human?" he asked cautiously. No reply. He cupped his chin thoughtfully and peered down at her. He felt a little bad. Their battle had even made him a little tired: he couldn't even imagine how tired someone who was not him must've been. Cautiously, he scooped her up and brought her upstairs to his bedroom.

He didn't really know much about humans, or their weird, non-magic skin, and though her complexion was generally a little dark, he was sure some of those other spots on her were bruises. He wasn't sure what to do for that, though. Other monsters bruised, but he and Sans had no skin. Was it even the same for humans and monsters? He didn't want to make it worse. He supposed he'd wait until Sans got home. He certainly didn't have any books about caring for humans, but Sans seemed to be full of strange and uncommon knowledge— maybe he would know?

He wanted nothing more than to just hug her close, but he was worried those bruises might be painful. Very carefully, he put her on his car-shaped bed and pulled his blankets up over her. He wasn't sure what else to do, but he had a hand-stitched fluffy bunny plushy and he placed it with her, then flicked the lights out and tiptoed out of the room.

- - -

It was mid afternoon by the time Sans finally got home, carrying a large, boring paper bag in one arm and sipping from a can of soda.

"Brother! There you are!" Papyrus said, leaping to his feet. "Where have you been?!"

"Doin' my job, bro," he said with a grin. "How about you?"

"I, uh... Well..." He turned off the television as Sans crossed the room and put the bag down on the table just outside the kitchen, and stood tall and puffed out his chest. "I have big news, brother!"

Sans leaned back against the table and raised his drink approvingly. "Shoot."

"Okay, so, don't panic, Sans, but I, your cool and smart brother, have confronted the human, but! I did not capture her!" he said. "Because actually we are best friends and also she is taking a nap now because I guess she's really tired? Because I tried to capture her all day before I remembered that we are best friends and we've actually met a few times somehow, and I really wanted to hug her, but I only did after she actually came quite close to besting my blue attack challenge and then she started glowing a bit. And it turned out she remembered me, too, and she's very sweet and I like her a lot and I think this is how it's supposed to be and I'm one million percent sure she's the good one you told me about."

Sans looked surprised. "For real? You recognized her, huh? You actually remembered."

"Yeeeesss?" Papyrus said somewhat suspiciously. "Yes, why? I mean. It does feel unusual, I'll admit, but yes, I definitely, definitely remember meeting the human."

"Oh. Cool," Sans said. "That's new. She thought you wouldn't remember her. Glad it all worked out."

"Wait what?" Papyrus said. "Sans, you knew?!"

"Uh, yup," Sans said.

"Sannnsss," he whined. "Why didn't you tell me that I was best friends with the human, what if she got hurt?! I should have just brought her home right away!"

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