The Superstar Skeleton Arc Chapter 75

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Asgore's soup recipe was, unsurprisingly, a lot like tea. Filled with a bunch of plants Sans had never heard of. He had no idea if it was even curative.

His head was feeling heavy and awful, but he took a moment to stop in a general store in New Home. He lethargically browsed a meagre supply of food. Some monsters hated cooking; much food was made just as-is. Finding ingredients separate aside from the basics wasn't always easy. Sometimes the monster's version of a thing didn't even have the same name as what used to be found on the surface.

He picked up some orange vegetable and some chikin, and a weird green stick-like something that had a name a lot like what was listed on the ancient recipe. It also asked for noodles, but they had plenty of those at home.

He took one more detour. The café was still open and he stopped for that pink cake his sister had really liked. Apparently they only made it in slices, so he bought ten of them.

Sans took a shortcut straight to the kitchen from a back alley and shoved the bag of groceries onto the counter. He was about to reach for a pot, but he heard a weak choking sound just beyond the room. An instant sinking feeling tumbled through his ribs.

In the living room, he found Frisk, huddled up on the couch, sobbing quietly with her face in a pillow. He'd been expecting it, but his heart broke anyway. He sat with her and scooped her up. She squeaked with surprise and instantly clung to him, burying her face in his shirt.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I'm s-sorry."

"Hey. Hey. Don't." He gently patted her head. "What happened?"

"N-Nightmares... Just... J-Just nightmares," she said softly. "I... I... I'm f-f-fine." She choked and heaved in a deep, shuddering breath. "I c-can't stop."

"S'alright. Breathe," he said. "No problem."

She trembled and cried into him for minutes until her tears were spent and all she could do was choke rasping breaths. "Sorry," she said softly.

"Stop," he said.

"Uggggh." She whined, huffed, and sat up only to dramatically flop herself over his shoulders. "I feel l-like traaaaash."

"Sound a little better, though." He snuggled her. "What're you doin' down here by yourself?"

She finally got up the will to sit back, wiping her eyes on her palms. "I... I woke up and I... I c-couldn't stop, and... and I d-didn't want anyone else to wake up, too. Paps has a b-big day tomorrow."

"Ah, jeez. Kiddo." He rubbed the back of his skull. "C'mon. Last thing you should do when you're like this is be alone."

She sniffled and nodded. She was about to get up, but Sans put a hand on her shoulder and he stood instead.

He left for the kitchen and came back with a glass of water for her. She drank it quickly. He sat across from her crossed his legs, and took her empty glass to chuck it away.

"Okay. So. Talk to me," he said.

"About what?" she asked, wiping her eyes again.

"Anything." His eye lit with blue. "Everything."

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