The Kid Might Be A Bit Weird Arc Chapter 53

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Frisk felt a little weird heading out on her own again. It'd been a while since she'd even taken a step outside without at least Asriel in tow. It made her heart tense. A nagging little worry prodded the back of her mind, but she told herself there was nothing to fear.

There was a little pink monster with water magic that was glad to help her across the huge, dark lake that unnerved her so— he even paid her a few gold for the opportunity. She felt more secure once her feet hit the boardwalks.

She continued east, putting her hood up as she passed a few chatting monsters strolling about near an ancient doorway carved into the stones. The luminous water glowed in the low light, and she turned onto a boardwalk across one of the streams. The grass here was the dark kind that lit up when touched. It was fun to dash through it and then turn to watch the trail behind slowly fade.

She remembered the place Sans had mentioned. She followed the river as it flowed, leading her south to an outcropping of rock speckled with blue crystals. She could already hear a lazy waterfall. She followed the flow, watching lily pads float downwards and get sucked over the edge of the water.

Using the crystals to help judge height, Frisk carefully descended the rocky hill that lead down to the base of the falls. They tumbled and sprayed sparkling specks as they splashed into a pool only disturbed by its own ripples. On a raised stone, she came upon a small pile of towels, topped by a phone and an eyepatch. She quickly glanced around, and her face lit up when she saw Undyne. She was sitting, under the falling water, calm and unmoving. She looked almost like she was having a really pleasant sleep. Her skin was bare save for a tank top and shorts— Frisk could see some of the red striping on her skin, along with a plethora of old scars.

Frisk sat down beside Undyne's things quietly to wait. She watched, almost mesmerized by the falls that the glittering specks they cast upwards in the dark.

Frisk had almost dozed off when Undyne finally stirred. There was a faint glimmer of glowing blue along with the yellow in her eye. She caught a glimpse of Frisk almost instantly. She looked surprised for a moment before standing up, the water cascading down her shoulders, making her red hair shimmer.

"Squirt? What're you doing here?" she asked.

"Hiya!" she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the envelope. "Sans asked me to bring you this. Said he got it by accident."

"Oh. Heh. Alright. Thanks." She strode over through the shallow water and took it when the kid offered. "Now, what is...?" She opened it and unfolded the note. She read it quickly, frowning and pulling a face. Then, she laughed and rubbed her eyes. "Jeez."

"Is it bad?" Frisk asked.

"What? Oh. No, no, not at all," Undyne said. She crumpled it into a ball and tossed it beside her other stuff. Her ear-fins lifted and she tilted her head. "Sent you alone?"

Frisk nodded. "I've come here alone a ton of times, don't worry."

"Your energy seems a little nervous, though," Undyne said.

"Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's like that when my brothers aren't around," Frisk said. "B-But that's okay! So, what're you doing? It looks pretty cool."

"Oh yeah?" She grinned. "Want to join me?"

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