The End.

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“Riley tomorrow okay? Tomorrow!”

“Wait what about tomorrow?” I said.

“Shopping at the new Harry Potter store! Like hello?” 

Mika has been one of my best friends and my neighbor since grade 3, she has this crazy Harry Potter obsession that if she had to pick between me and Harry Potter, she would undoubtedly pick Harry Potter without any questions. She was quite a weird girl, but nonetheless my bestfriend, with her period colored hair, dimples, and vibrant brown eyes. Did I mention that she dresses like a scrub half the time?

“I’ll go once you quit the Valley Girl talk geez, you know how much I hate that” I said.  

“Yay! But like Harry Potter, how can you like not use this talk for it?” 

At this point I was ready to slap the talk out of her but instead I replied,

"Cause its for geeks, aka us, therefore we shall not use it.” 

“Ugh seriously you suck dick,” she said with irritation evident in her voice. 

“Thanks!” I smiled sweetly while Mika glared at me, probably trying to burn a hole into my forehead. Mika and I have our fights here and there but they usually never last for long. In the end, one of us caves and usually ends up apologizing.

As we were walking to my place after school Mika’s smile dropped. She was gawking at my house with her mouth agape, pale as a ghost simply ignoring her surroundings. 

“Uhm... Is there something on my face or like...?" I said insecurely, finally drawing her attention away from my house.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she said, at this point I was confused at what she was saying until she got the hint and pointed at the sign. It was a sign that resulted in conjuring up the same reaction from me as Mika, this sign wasn’t any ordinary sign, it was sign that had "For Sale" written on it, with a 'SOLD' sticker overtop.

“I swear that wasn’t up this morning” I defended, sincerely answering all her unspoken questions.

I see a familiar car pulling up on my driveway, it was my sister, she had an apologetic look on her face but immediately walked into the house. There was no way im moving.

“She seemed… Happy?” Mika pointed out.

“Yeah.. Sure… Listen, I’ll text you later what happened, I need to find out what’s up”

“Okay, bye Rye” Mika said waving her hand, walking towards her own home. I stood outside for another minute before I took a deep breath and walked into my house.

“What the hell is this 'For Sale' sign on our lawn saying 'SOLD'? That wasn't there this morning Alex! Seriously what the hell is going on? If were moving I’m not going to, I won’t do it, I'm staying whether you like it or not!” I blindly yelled, fully aware that my sister could  hear me.

“Riley… Stop, please… Don’t make this hard for me, I understand what you're saying but listen, I got a job offer to work in Thailand to do some major work down there, Riley don’t tell me not to go because I need to,” She said appearing from her room with teary eyes.“I need to help provide for you… for dad, I’m doing what’s best for all of us, were struggling here and you know that. Riley I’m not leaving because I want to or because I’m trying to ruin your life, I’m not! I need to do this to provide you and dad care, for the family Rye… please just understand," with those last words, Alex left me alone in the living room as she made her way back into her bedroom.

I stood there trying to understand but its just so sudden. This morning I was just with my best friend Mika at the football field watching our other best friend Johnny play football, walking to class all together, eating lunch in the schools parking lot then leaving our garbage in Principle McCanon’s trunk, walking Johnny back to the football field for his practice and walking home with Mika to find out this… How did this all happen so suddenly? Was she having people over while I was at school? I walked into Alex's room, to find her packing clothes into 3 suitcases.

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