Chapter 22

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Ellie’s P.O.V

3 days later Grandpa Ben died of cancer, every day before he passed away I was always at the hospital talking to him about things or playing card games I felt like a family with Grandma and Grandpa but when I walked in the hospital one day the nurse stopped us both and told us the news, Grandma broke down first she lost the love of her life before Grandpa got covered we said our final goodbyes hoping he could hear us. I was leaving Australia on Friday which was two days away I haven’t spoken to Ashton at all but I knew I would see him today at Grandpa’s funeral.  Grandma knocked on my door and said

“Come on we better go down there” I nodded at Grandma and we walked down the stairs going to the church.

Grandma and I were standing outside the church after the funeral where everyone was walking up to us telling us to be strong, I haven’t seen Ashton maybe he left already, I saw Calum and all that walk up to me Calum gave me a big hug and said

“I’m so sorry for your loss” they all gave me a hug and I said

“Where’s Ashton”?

“Ashton left early; he hasn’t been himself since you broke up with him”

“At least Ashton was here just wish he would say hi to me”

“Well before you leave for L.A come say bye to us and say bye to Ashton as well it will mean a lot to him” Calum said I nodded my head, I said goodbye to everyone and went back home with Grandma.

That next night I was sitting on the sofa watching The Simpson until Grandma turned it off and sat in front of me

“Ellie, what are you doing”?

“I’m watching TV”

“No I mean why did you break up with Ashton”

“I told you why Grandma”

“El, this boy is basically in love with you I saw him today and he didn’t smile one bit at least go over to his house and say goodbye to him before you leave for L.A tomorrow”

“Alright, I’ll go now” I got up grabbing Grandma’s keys and drove to Ashton’s house, I pulled up outside getting out of the car walking to the door. I knocked on it twice and Ashton mum answered it

“Anne Marie, hi”

“Ellie, what are you doing here”? She said looking back in her house, Ashton was probably hiding

“I was just wondering if Ashton is here”

“No sorry sweet heart” I could tell she was lying but I’m sure I would do the same, I nodded and said

“Could you tell Ashton, I’m sorry for everything and I love him and I will miss him heaps” Anne Marie smiled at me and said

“Of course Ellie, also have safe flight home” I nodded and soon I walked off back to the car until I heard the door open again

“Ellie, wait” I saw Ashton running towards me; he grabbed hold of me and gave me a passionate kiss I wrapped my arms around his neck enjoying our last kiss for a while. Ashton pulled away and gave me a letter “I can’t come say goodbye tomorrow so this is basically my goodbye to you, I’ll miss you Ellie”

“I’ll miss you too Ash” I gave him a hug quickly jumping back in my car, heading home to pack for tomorrow.  

Later that night I couldn’t sleep, I don’t know if I wanted to leave and go back to L.A. I noticed the letter that Ashton gave me I still haven’t read maybe I should read it. I grabbed the letter and ripped it open.

Dear El

This summer with you has been one of the best summers ever, I don’t think I will ever forget this day well unless one day I forgot everything. I hope you come back to Australia or maybe I could come to L.A who knows maybe one day. I know this isn’t a big love letter like the ones you see in movies but I want to keep this short and just let you know I won’t forget my best friend

Love Ash xo

The letter helped because I can know go back to sleep and also a smile on my face. It’s going to be so different returning to America.

The next day I was all packed up ready to leave, I made my way downstairs where Grandma was putting her shoes on she looked at me and said

“Ready to go”? I nodded my head and walked out the door towards the truck; before I got in the truck I looked at the house one more time and got into the car. We made our way out of town going into the city. I was going to miss this place. I jumped out of the car grabbing my suitcase walking into the airport with Grandma. I did all the things you do when you arrive at the airport and I spent my finally minutes with Grandma until I heard the voice over say my plane was ready. I got up pulling grandma into a huge hug

“Thank you for everything Grandma”

“You know if you were the same girl that arrived 3 months ago you would have just told me to leave and running to that plan” I laughed at Grandma

“I just hope you will be okay, when I leave”

“I’ll be fine, I’ve got Ashton still helping out at the farm” I looked down at the ground and I was sad at the mention of his name “Don’t be sad about Ashton, I’m sure you will see each other again”

“I broke up with him it was best but please give this to Ashton next time you see him” I handed her letter and Grandma smiled and said

“Of course” I gave Grandma one last hug and said

“Alright I better go I’ll miss you”

“I’ll miss you too” I walked to the gates and turned back around waving to Grandma, goodbye Australia.

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