Chapter 20

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I had 2 weeks left and then I would be leaving and going back home, I didn’t want to summer was almost over and then I would be packing up and leaving behind all the friends I made and Ashton. I have a feeling once I return to L.A everything will go back to normal me hating dad’s new wife, me being the most popular in school and my hair will probably go back to blonde. But I didn’t want my old life back. But the good news is Grandma and Grandpa saved the farm and Grandpa’s getting better which is great. Ashton is still working on that tractor his basically been ditching me for the tractor but its fine, been spending the last couple of weeks with Grandma and Grandpa. I walked downstairs where I saw Grandpa and the doctor talking again but once they saw me the doctor gave me a kind smile and grandpa as well and walked out the door.

“Is everything alright Grandpa, you’re not sick again are you”?

“No, no it’s just something I need to take just encase it happens again”

“Oh okay, well I’m just going to go for a horse ride if that’s okay”

“Yeah just make sure you feed the chickens first” I nodded my head grabbing the chicken food and grabbed my boots, it’s strange to think 2 months ago I wasn’t even a farm girl and grandma and Ashton kept laughing at me because I was such an American rich girl when I look back on it now, I’m glad dad sent me to Australia. Once I feed the chickens I got onto my horse riding off where I could be alone. I sat down on top of the hill while Bella ate grass, so many things were going through my head about the past and I wish I could take it all back. But there was one thing I needed to do that would help me stop thinking I got my phone out and dialled my dad’s number. After 3 rings he finally answered



“Ellie, hi how are you”?

“I’m alright I guess”

“How’s everything in Australia”?

“It’s better than I imagined”

“That’s good, I can’t wait to see you again I’ve missed having you around”


“Yeah Ellie”

“I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done in the past” I could tell I was about to burst into tears

“Ellie don’t cry”

“No I should cry because I’ve been a bitch to you and to Jane when all she’s been trying to do is reach out to me but I couldn’t because I missed mum so much, I’m sorry I was a pain in the ass and what I did to Jane was wrong I should have never done that I should have been happy when I saw you with Jane because I can see how happy she makes you I haven’t seen that smile since mum, I’m just really sorry for everything dad and I miss you so much”

“Ellie, honey I miss you as well and once I see you I’m going to give you a big, big hug also Jane was wondering if when you come back if you wanted to help out with the wedding were getting married 2 weeks after you come back” I smiled hearing how happy my dad was and I said

“Yeah sure I would love too”

“Great, I’ll see you in two weeks”

“Yeah see you in two weeks” before I hung up I said to dad “I miss you lots and I love you”

“I love you too” the line disconnected and I jumped back onto Bella and rode back down to the farm, where I could see I Ashton is finished that damn tractor.

I walked over to Ashton where he looked like a dirty boy and he really needed a shower.

“Are you nearly finished with that tractor”?

“I don’t know you tell me”? He asked he put the hood down and jumped onto the tractor and started it up and finally it worked, I smiled and said

“You finally got it working”


“Hang on let me get Grandpa his going to love this” I ran back to the house and told Grandpa and Grandma to come outside, once they did a smile grew on Grandpa’s face and he walked over and said

“You fixed, you actually fixed it, I gotta get my camera” Grandpa walked back and Ashton jumped off the tractor and said “Now I can spend more time with you” Ashton spined me around and when he did I noticed Grandpa slowly walking to the house and next thing he fell.

“Grandpa”! I yelled I ran over to him where he wasn’t waking up and I looked up at Ashton and Grandma, Ashton quickly ran inside calling 000. Just when you think everything could go good something bad has to happen.

I wrote these chapters at like 1 in the morning because I couldn't get to sleep and I had lots of ideas for this story again which was great so sorry if these suck I tried :) xo

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