Chapter 37: I'm A Lioness, Hear Me Roar!

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Yami's POV

I heard Piri's voice singing a song. She sounded like she was sad but when I took a peek, she was trying to get Sora to sleep. The bluette was stroking his hair and he was out like a light. She was acting like a mother would her child. I sweetly smiled at this. Until I remembered what I did in the past... Even now! Was it to late too get out of... well, even the future- the fate- of his wrath? I saw the future and I can't change it... I'll leave it at that.

I watched them protectively and finally decided to check out the engine room. I looked around and stuck my hands in my black jeans' pockets. I suddenly suddenly heard a corridor open. That darkness was indeed familiar. I sighed as I recognized it.

"What do you want, Xigbar?" I growled.

"I was just coming to see you! You're doing a good job at keeping the kids under control, just for our plan..." He said in a singy song voice.

"Tell Xehanort to get another spy! I'm done!"

"What do you mean?" I turned around and glared at him.

"I can't remember the last time I was happy, seeing both Sora and Piri taking care of each other like brother and sister. I'm happy that..."

"Excuse me? Since when have you grown a conscience and a heart?" He walked closer to me and I felt nervous. "You say you are a shadow mage. You know that is?"

"O-of course I do! But-"

"They have a scary personality and don't care about others because they don't have a heart. In other words, a Darkside aka you."

"Well, then! If that's the case then I'm not one of them! I would rather die than even think about hurting them!" I turned back around.

"Aw, how sweet!" He darkly chuckled. "See, you knows what's going to happen after this journey? You and your little friends will belong to us and the power of the balanced heart will be ours... And it will be your fault you've failed."

I gasped. I knew this but they were after Piri! That's Why I was looking for the Guardian of Kingdom Hearts, to protect the counterpart of the holy place- her. Etro knows what would happen if I were to fail.

Xigbar laughed, "Don't worry will take good care of her one we get her... just wait..." He left quicker than he arrived. Tears fell down my face when I was thinking 'What's if I did fail?'

"Guys, we're almost to the next world guys! Get ready for landing!" I heard Donald say over the intercom system of the Gummi Ship. I sighed and ran towards the main control room.



I opened my eyes and realized that Yami and I was away from Sora and the others. I also noticed she was a black Lion with red eyes.

 I also noticed she was a black Lion with red eyes

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