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So, firstly I set off to find my mother, I had been watching her for days, mourning my loss. I actually felt bad for myself to not be there to cheer her up. Dad was there though; recently he hasn’t been there for mum, to busy with work and all. But, now that I am dead he has helped her along the way. I think it is because he hadn’t been there for me much so he is trying to be there for mum.

In primary school I had a school play, I was the main part  , The Wicked Witch, but he didn’t care, he said he was too busy working. But he was there for other things, he just didn't congratulate me. Recently he has hugged mum, cut hours and it makes me smile, but it make me upset that he wasn’t there with me.   I am happy with my family. I would’ve thought I wanted them to mourn but never have I just wanted them to be happy without me. I always shock me the fact that I am dead because I never believed in ghosts,   I have now got to believe in ghost, because I am one. Anyway, I need to get to my house but I don't know if anyone will see me. At that time I was  at hospital, watching my dead body be covered with a white clean sheet. My family are were surrounding me, everyone but my sister, I can’t believe she missed my death! I'm sure she is somewhere regretting what she has done. I didn’t think anyone could see me, there is a woman, standing in the corner of a room. Staring at me, it freaked me out actually but still don’t know if she is a ghost or not. She looked old, pale and white haired. She was hunched over and her almost evil green eyes  were watching me. I went over to her walking as I would.  But, yet she ran over to my family, passed me and I felt a whoosh past my arm.   She tapped my mother’s shoulder, my mum was covered in tears, it looks like someone had thrown water over her face. The woman pointed over to me, but my mum thought she was crazy, my mother said,' Where is she?' looking around suddenly brightened up, I knew she could connect me with my family through speech and walked over to her, 'She is coming towards you, she will ask me a question,' the woman said, my mother was freaked out and tapped my dad arm holding is hand.  He wasn’t crying, but his head was down in shame and he was pale . My mum told what she heard from this woman, I spoke to the woman. I asked the woman if she could hear me and she nodded. I told the woman that I need mums help and she told my mother. Saying,' Your daughter need you help!'. I said to the woman,'I need your help to find Candace as she holds the link to my death someone hired a hitman, and she can help me. But you musnt know I have to do this for myself,' the woman told my mum exactly what she said. My father believed it saying,'It could be true, have you ever seen a ghost.' My mum decided to believe it but didn't kniw if the woman was making it up and so asked for proof, told her about the time in primary school,  where I told her about the bullying and now Candace dosent talk to me, I gave her every detail. And finally she believed me, telling me where Candace lived.  I tried to take the paper, but it slipped through my fingers. I tried to pick up apen but it  fell. I memorized it, I had such a good memory, notmeaning to boast  but I did and it stuck there.  I set out to find her but first I huggedmy mother and father. They felt a cold chill, but I could remeber meories. I shed a tear down my face and told the woman was thankful. I then walked out of the hospital. The smell of Mondays ached meand how they smelt of old womans perfume. I forgot to say, I have a gift which is that o=all my sneses are mixed up. I can be very descriptive, but I can also be very  short with my words.I don't like it when I walk through hospitals especially this one, becuase I died there.

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